
Kicking Off the Miles

I did it! I DID IT!!! Woooohoooo! Ok, I just had to get that out of my system. 🙂 As you all know I have had major butterflies leading up to the big race. I went through the training program…had the usual ups & downs, and the morning of the race I will admit I was down right scared! I know it sounds really silly, but there are still times where my inner “overweight girl” tells me I won’t be able to do it. Thank goodness I had Fitness Magazine’s very own Jenna Autori there cheering me on. She literally looked at me and said, “Don’t worry, you totally got this!” Sometimes a simple encouraging word is all you need to give you that little push! By the time I got to the starting line I was ready to attack this challenge! My game plan was to really pace myself and keep a consistent pace the entire race. So many people told me that I would want to book it in the beginning because of the excitement & adrenaline. Boy, we’re they right…I wanted to SPRINT in the beginning…the excitement from the crowd & the runners was electric! Despite my desire to break the world record…I started off with a pace that I knew I could sustain. I felt very strong for the first 7 miles…they seemed to fly by. Around mile 8 I hit my first “wall”. From the point where I had no clue what mixing and mastering was, I have grown to at least produce some amateurish pieces for personal use. I was so thankful that I programmed some funny music on my playlist because right when I needed a boost RuPaul’s “Covergirl” came through my headphones! It really made me laugh and I will tell you it really was the boost I needed. I will tell you that I had multiple times throughout the race that I was VERY emotional. It was a little over a year ago that I was 261 lbs, unhealthy, & very unhappy. Fast forward & I am running…RUNNING…a half marathon. THIS is what life is about! I have never been so proud of myself. To be honest I don’t really even remember miles 11-13…I was so fixated on finishing! As I crossed the finish line I fell into a huge puddle of tears…I did it…and I ran EVERY step. It was just another moment in my life where I was overwhelmed with thankfulness. The Biggest Loser not only helped me lose weight, but they introduced me to my inner athlete. I’ll tell you…she is pretty cool.

I am so thankful to Fitness Magazine and the supplements they recommended me, if you think they will help you too, here’s a list which will help . I can’t tell you how amazing the entire staff is! They truly care about people & helping us all become well rounded healthy individuals. I am thrilled to have had this experience & the opportunity to share my journey with their readers. I look forward to partnering with Fitness Magazine again in the future!

Health & Happiness,


Free from Fear Part 2

So…here’s Part 2! We know that yesterday there were some server issues (We’re sure it was because so many of you were checking out the blog;), so be sure to share in the comments. You never know when we’ll drop into the conversation!!

Part 1 if you missed it.

Olivia & Hannah


It’s a Matter of Fact

Hello Party People!

Happy Friday!! I have been noticing the word “Matter” a lot lately.
People saying it, my TV spitting it out to me on my beloved SERIES
FINALE of One Trill Hill (guilty pleasure, I used to dream about being
Mrs Nathan Scott…Oh dear, I’m a psycho) as this word bounces around
in my brain today I decide to break it down for my MyFitspirationers.
Last week I was speaking at an event and I noticed every person I
talked to said this word. It went a little like this….

“Hannah, I try and try to lose weight. I exercise and it just doesn’t
matter, nothing happens.”

“Hannah, I know what I am saying to you doesn’t really matter but I
need HELP with my life.”

“Hannah, if I am exercising to the extreme does it matter what I eat?”

Folks, YOU MATTER. The things you say to others, MATTERS. What you eat
MATTERS. How you treat others MATTERS. How you treat yourself MATTERS.
What kind of food you put in your body MATTERS. What you do everyday
at your job MATTERS. The little things you do for your
spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/crush MATTERS. Pushing yourself to do more

I have decided that this year I am going to stop saying “It doesn’t
matter” because it always does or we wouldn’t say it. When I finally
figured out on the ranch that my life MATTERED and having control of
it MATTERS, things began to change and so did I. Whatever you are
looking for; confidence, weightloss, better relationships, making more
moolah, spending less moolah, these things MATTER and how you attack
these things matter. My dad used to say to Olivia and I “Let every
step you take have a purpose” I never realized that that statement
would come to fruition as we stepped on the Biggest Loser Ranch. Now I
try to do everything with purpose because I MATTER and so do you.

NOW……What MATTERS to Olivia and I’s weightloss maintenance is the
things we have to do when no one is watching. Running that extra mile,
being faithful with our food intake, learning more about health and
wellness and being inspired daily by all of you. So make the things
that no one sees MATTER. Taking steps with purpose will put you on
your way to a better life.

So have a great Easter Weekend and remember whatever it is you are
thinking about or trying not to think about, it MATTERS!!

Oh, and since I have vowed to give up Peanut Butter for a month (it’s
becoming a problem!), if you eat a Reeses Peanut Butter Egg on Easter,
please dedicate it to me! 😉



Go & Get a Goal

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about goals. Not just coming up with new ones, but what TYPE of goals I want to set for myself. It’s funny I tell people I meet all the time that the REAL challenge in my weight loss journey began the day I stepped off The Biggest Loser Ranch. Most of you know that Hannah & I are approaching our 1 year anniversary of keeping the weight off in May by using supplements which According to is the easiest way to do it. This year has been amazing in so many ways, and I will say I am so proud of how hard we both have worked. Now that you are all getting to know me so well you won’t be surprised to know that I am always searching be better & learn more. Although, I did so many things right last year there are areas I want to be better at. One area in particular is my relationship with the scale. I know it’s the nature by which I lost the weight, but I don’t want to be a slave to a number. I know I will fight the same five to ten pounds my whole life…it’s part of it. I know my body and because of how I abused it in the past it will always want to put the weight back on…BUT…the joy is found in the fight, in the struggle. I will always use the scale as a tool of accountability, but now that I have maintained for a year it’s time to move on to new NON scale related goals.

I’m sure most of you know the Season 13 Finale of the Biggest Loser is coming up in a few weeks. Hannah & I will both be going, so you know what that means….it’s time to dress up & get fancy!! I recently found an amazing one piece pants jumper thing by Rachel Roy at Macy’s. Wow, my description of that outfit is hilarious & a little scary!  Trust me it’s really pretty! Anyway, the best part of the outfit is its basically backless. That’s right my back will be showing. So, here is my new goal! I want to be strong & toned. I want to have a strong & sexy back! It will take longer than a month of course, but I’m using the finale to jumpstart my journey. I have already been doing Crossfit for about 6 weeks now & I’m seeing great results. Crossfit makes me feel strong & powerful…I love it! Also, let’s not forget that the Sports Bra Challenge is May 17th…my abs could use some attention too…Right??

Here is my challenge to you…no matter where you are on your weight loss journey. Set a non scale related goal for this month. It can be anything fitness related. Maybe you want to run a 5K. Maybe you want to try a new group fitness class. Maybe you want to try Crossfit (hint, hint). Maybe you too want a strong back too. Whatever it is just go for it. Don’t get me wrong I’m not telling you to abandon your scale…please don’t do that! Think of it as channeling your attention and energy into something else.

Well….ARE YOU WITH ME??? Let me know in the comments what your goal is going to be! I love challenges like this. It gives us hope & something to work towards.

Big Love to You All!!


Rock Out Your Workout!

It’s no surprise that both Hannah & I are huge music buffs, but we never knew what a BIG roll it would play in both our weight loss & maintenance journey! Here you will learn more about natural TCGF for a healthier lifestyle !
A good music playlist is just as important as the workout itself. Music will motivate, inspire, and give you a good butt kicking when needed! We guarantee that great music will push you to workout 150% harder than without it. Think about it….how many times have you taken a group fitness class & although the workout was good you left not liking it because the instructor played El Crappola music? (yes, that is the technical term) Anyway, you get where we are going with this.

There are so many places these days to obtain great music.  iTunes on its own provides more musical fun for your ears than they could ever take in in a lifetime.  Although, we are avid iTunes fans, we are also loving Spotify these days.  You can find all the information for this program at  Spotify also has an amazing app in addition to their awesome desktop version.  So, for those do you still saying “But guys….I don’t have time to look through that music & I wouldn’t even know where to start…”. Fear not….we have something for you too…we wouldn’t leave you hanging like that!  For you there is an awesome app we both have been listening too lately.  FIT Radio is a great app that provides tons of channels in TONS of genres.  There is something for everyone & they even feature guest DJ’s to mix up your favorite tunes!  The app is specifically designed for exercise so it’s perfect for workouts!  See…soooooo many options to get your groove on.

Ok, since so many of you ask us what we listen to….we thought we would compile a small list for you.  It’s only a top 10 because it basically changes with the wind. ☺. We will update now & again so you will have to stay tuned for new lists!  Ahem…Pun intended.

Hannah & Olivia’s Butt Kicking Workout Jams:

1.  David Guetta – Turn Me On feat. Nicki
2.  Flo Rida – Wild Ones feat. Sia
3.  Calvin Harris – Feel So Close
4.  Skrillex – Bangarang
5.  Robyn – Criminal Intent (you must always have some Robyn)
6.  Kanye West – Gold Digger
7.  Bruno Mars – Marry You (How Bob Harper first proposed to Hannah…she fell off her spin bike
8.  Jay Sean & Nicki Minaj – 2012
9.  Outkast – Hey Ya!
10.  T.I. – Dead & Gone
**All of the above are available in radio friendly tracks which is appropriate for all ages. We love that!

So, now you have NO excuses!!  Get out there and have a dance party at your gym…or wherever.  Let us know in the comments what songs you workout to!!  We can always use an excuse to buy more music! Wooohooo!!

Health & Happiness,

Olivia & Hannah