Better late than never :)…Hannah and I had the amazing opportunity to interview the Biggest Loser Season 12 finalists moments before they went on stage to find out their fates…enjoy these glimpses of so much anticipation!
Better late than never :)…Hannah and I had the amazing opportunity to interview the Biggest Loser Season 12 finalists moments before they went on stage to find out their fates…enjoy these glimpses of so much anticipation!
Two blogs in two days!!! Yep…I have been debating all morning about writing this blog, but I just can’t shake it out of my head so here we go.
First, I never like to get involved in such childish nonsense, but when it comes to Bob Harper & Jillian Michaels I get VERY defensive. As you all know I would do ANYTHING for my family and these two are most definitely my family through & through. As most of you know last night’s episode of The Biggest Loser evoked many different emotions and opinions across the board. I think what was shocking was my twitter feed was blown up with ugly comments about Bob. Now, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but what was so surprising to me is how fickle people are. I read so many blog posts that were down on Bob which was based on ONE episode. These are also the SAME people who have praised the man for 12 seasons. Heard of grace much? Geez.
Trust me Bob Harper doesn’t need any defending from me, but I will say I owe him my life. Not only did he love & care for me at the ranch, but he continues to foster a very personal & meaningful relationship with both Hannah & I post BL. The man is CRAZY busy & he always makes time for me…and trust me when I say he doesn’t have to do that. What bothers me the most is people also forget that even though people are changing their lives for the better The Biggest Loser is still a TV SHOW! Things are edited for drama & interest. Also, it is impossible to understand what a pressure cooker the ranch is…I’m talking PRESSURE COOKER on crack!! It’s not just pressure on the contestants, but huge pressure on the trainers. Imagine how you would feel knowing you are given a group of very broken people who have come to you for help & are expecting major results. I cant even imagine….and he has always handled that with extreme grace & class. That being said it is also extremely competitive…which is usually a theme produced or not produced by the contestants. I don’t know about you, but there have been times in the heat of battle that I have let that competitive nature get the best of me. It happens…move on. I think throwing the baby out with the bath water is by far the most immature thing ever…which I saw everywhere online last night.
I don’t know…I was just extremely disappointed in so many blogs & tweets last night. It’s truly sad.
I love you Bob. You changed my life forever & continue to offer me friendship expecting nothing in return. For that I could never repay. You are truly the best.
Ok guys……what are your thoughts & feelings….let’s get this started in the comments. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand Gooooooooo!
I have to say the NYC Tri was a BLAST!!! Hannah, Irene, and I did so well and I am soooooo proud of us. It was hard work, but WE DID IT!!! Such an amazing feeling of accomplishment. Have you ever participated in a Triathlon or a race? Tell us all about it in the comments. Wouldn’t it be AWESOME to have a myFitspiration race one day?? Hmmmm….. Anyway, here’s a video of some of the highlights…..
Seriously, the Sports Bra Challenge was…EPIC!!!!! We had a blast!!! Hannah and I break it down for you jiggle by jiggle. 🙂 Don’t forget to tell us in the comments how your Sports Bra Challenge day went. WE CAN’T WAIT TO HEAR!!! Big love to you all.
Olivia & Hannah
So, here are a few of our sports bra recs and just general musings about the subject :). We are so excited for Friday and hope you are too!! After you hear our faves, be sure to give us yours below in the comments…we’re reading!!! Maybe you can help US out :).