
Your Kitchen: Friend or Foe?

As most of you know both Hannah & I are very close to our family.  My Dad in particular is such a great source of strength & encouragement.  He has such a way of putting things into perspective.    He is also on a weightloss journey…almost down 100 lbs!!  Woohoo!!! Yesterday, I was having one of my many catch up sessions with him on the phone.  During the conversation he said something that really struck a chord with me.  He said he had been thinking about the idea of your kitchen being your enemy.  For so many of us we have made food the enemy and the battlefield the kitchen.  I mean Ben & Jerry live in there for goodness sake!!  Don’t get me wrong those boys are a GOOD time until it’s time to put on your pants! Right!?

After all this time I realized that I still view my kitchen as the enemy.  I began fleshing out the idea of transforming your kitchen to be your friend.  I’ll admit most of that idea is mental…it’s all I how you look at things.  That being said I think there are some practical ideas that can add to this transition.  First, clean out your kitchen off all the bad stuff (or the good stuff you shouldn’t have). It’s ok to indulge now & again…even when you are trying to lose weight….but no one needs twinkies in the pantry.  Now, I think this is the portion of the blog where the moms might grab their pitchforks.  Get the “kids” junk out of the house.  My suggestion is this…maybe instead of keeping ice cream bars in the house you actually take your kids out for ice cream.  Not only do your kids get to have a treat, but it’s a way to show them you want to treat them & spend time with them.  Let’s face it…ice cream and other treats kept around for the kids gets eaten just as much by the adults.  I know there will be lots of complaining and moaning by everyone in your house, but childhood obesity is on the rise and what a better way to start teaching our kids about healthy eating.  Get them involved.  Ask them to help you “clean out” the kitchen.  If they are old enough have them research healthy recipes online…maybe have them pick a few and have a house vote on which healthy meal is for dinner!  For those of us without kids it really is a no brainer.  Just throw it out or donate the unopened food to your local food bank. Revamping the kitchen with my ideas alone was indeed a delightful experience. Everything from cabin colors to the sleek knives that I came across on was my choice and no intervention was involved, which I must say was as liberating as breaking the shackles to fly again.

Second, get thee to the nearest grocery store STAT!  Make a list of all the essentials that you will need to make healthy meals & snacks.  A stocked pantry is your best friend.  It takes the guess work out of “what’s for dinner”.  When you have lean protein & veggies at your fingertips the options are endless.  Shop local…Farmer’s Markets can be so cost effective and a great way to support your community. If you need a great source of protein, you may also consider taking protein powder.

Lastly, rekindle the romance with your kitchen.  Spend some time in there!  The more time you spend “getting to know each other” the better.  Don’t just run in and mindlessly throw something together.  Don’t get me wrong…some nights a chicken breast and veggies are all the effort I can muster up…and that’s ok!  Now that the seasons are changing get creative…how about curried turkey chili with root vegetables!  Toss some dried currents & toasted pumpkin seeds in your usual salad and BOOM: a delicious fall meal that feels anything but ordinary!  If you get overwhelmed thinking about inventing recipes never fear.  Just one click to Pinterest will provide more recipes than you could cook in your lifetime.  Or, make a trip to your local bookstore and check out the cookbook section….there are tons of options for healthy cooking.

I’ll be the first to admit that I have treated my kitchen like a Foe, but I’m determined to change that.  Let’s face it…we have to live with food everyday…three meals a day and a snack. I’m ready to embrace my kitchen and get BFF necklaces. 🙂

Is your kitchen a friend or foe?  What are your tips to rekindle the romance with your kitchen?  Let me know in the comments!!  Let’s chat…it’s been too long. 🙂

Health & Happiness,
Olivia xxxooo


All About Us

Hi Everybody!! A couple months back we put up a video introducing ourselves on our “About Us” page. Some of you might not have seen it so we thought we’d post here today…enjoy and let us know what you think should come next in the comments below ;).

xxoo Olivia & Hannah


Quick Fix – Is It Worth the Risk?

Hello myfitspirationers!! If most of you follow me on twitter (in case you don’t, join the party @BL11Hannah), you will know that I recently researched the HCG diet after watching a friend inject herself with the hormone on a lunch date with my gal pals. I was confused, thinking “Since when do you have diabetes?” Her explanation came after I was told that the injection was HCG known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. HCG is a hormone found in the urine during pregnancy that is the latest weight loss quick fix craze. In theory, the HCG hormone is supposed to suppress hunger and trigger your body’s use of fat for fuel. Which is what BootCamp does for me ;)!! I recently read that the hormone is now coming from female horse urine. Is that something you are comfortable injecting yourself with or putting underneath your tonque? If so, I would just stop reading now! 😉

Believe me when I say, I am no stranger to quick fix diets! If you know me on a personal level, you will know that I am obsessed, that’s right OBSESSED with infomercials! I was the first human to ever buy Oxyclean. Olivia calls my spare bedroom the exercise graveyard where made-for-TV exercise equipment go to die. To name a few….The Ab Circle Pro, The Ab Glider, Brazil Butt Lift (still have high hopes for that one), Food Lovers Fat Loss System, The Ab Dolly, Electro Muscle Stimulator…Need I go on? If you’re like I WAS, I bought into everything. I was so desperate to lose the weight quickly that I watched tons of money circle the drain as my diet dreams of success fell further and further from reality. Why did I ever think it was ok to eat Velveeta Cheese AKA: Liquid Gold for breakfast wrapped in bacon and lose weight? Hello low carb and lovin it! Eeek, so many diets so little time. Yet, I still managed to get close to 300 lbs. When I stepped on the ranch of the Biggest Loser, or should I say, when Olivia dragged me by my hair kicking and screaming, I was just waiting for production to give us a blue speckled pill (you know what I’m talkin about) a shot or lightening fat zapper. How else do those people lose so many pounds in a week?

Then came the first workout.

Jillian Michaels perched on my treadmill and announced to the ranch team “You’re gonna move more and eat less, the quality of your food is going to out-weigh the quantity and you will literally heal your sick bodies with food”. Excuse me? Did I sign up for this? This sounds like my Weight Watchers hell! Even though I think WW is one of the best plans out there, I didn’t want to do it again! Flashes of “Congrats, you lost a quarter of a lb this week” ran through my mind. Then Olivia pulled me aside and said “Have we really given our bodies a chance to heal through diet and exercise?”

Well……..errrrrr….I’ve tried everything, right? WRONG. I had never really trusted my body for a SIGNIFICANT length of time to truly operate the way it was created to, without all of this excess weight! So I committed to the old fashioned way and low and behold it worked! My body began processing chemical free food, I had energy, my mood was better (except when Olivia made me wake up early) and miracles happened! My oily skin and hair became dryer, my skin clearer, I even had less hair on my legs to shave. Ridding my body of excess hormones by eating organic, pesticide and chemical free changed everything. I didn’t even miss my infomercials because for once I was starting to break the cycle. That’s when I became one of those people I loathed in the past who preached “Lifestyle” and guess what? I got one! My very own lifestyle!

Does doing things this way take more time? Yes. More effort? Yes.

BUT….It will get you off the yo-yo diet train for life. Food and exercise and A LOT of prayer, healed my body from the inside out, I have also learned many great tips and recipes with cbd oil, with the Vita Hemp USA discount full spectrum cbd oil gummies to improve our general health.  I learned discipline, worked on my confidence and was finally able to de-cloud my mind of this Quick-Fix syndrome that I had been oh so accustomed to! My blood pressure stabled, I became fertile, and I began to see life in a different way. Healthy can be a state of mind but it is also a walk. Sometimes you fall, sometimes you don’t, but the point is, you keep walking! I started researching long term effects of fad diets. Heart attacks, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, starvation, vital organ shut downs, and so many more. So ask yourself, is this really worth it in the LONG RUN? We all know there is no “Quick” way to make money! So why would you think the same about your body? Why would you treat yourself this way and for what? So I challenge you to quit the quick fix (say that 10 times fast). Lay down the diets, and get yourself a lifestyle, try the programs from the nutrisystem reviews ! After all, you’re worth it and so are those higher priced groceries. We spend so much $$ on our homes and cars, why wouldn’t you on your body? This blog is for EVERY person out there who has tried the quick fix and failed. NO MORE! You deserve better and so do your children’s children. Trust me, you will thank me later!! If anyone is trying to figure out how to wrap velveeta cheese in bacon without it melting, it can’t be done, I’ve tried. Step AWAY from the yellow box!!

Now, below in the comments, I want to hear the fad diets you’ve tried and did they work??? Don’t be shy, Let’s hear it!!!


Olivia’s Breakfast Tour

Hi lovelies!!!  I know this has taken WAY too long to post….but, better late than never. J  After many requests Hannah and I decided to film some of our “typical” meals throughout the day.  Up first…Breakfast!

We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Even if my day gets crazy I know I’ve given myself the best beginning with a healthy breakfast with my family, always do the same for my husband and for my one year old baby, he eats the same as we do and at this age boys start talking so he asks me for our healthy snacks at breakfast.

Here are the ingredients you will need for this recipe:

1 cup egg whites (or as many as you want from separated eggs)
3 Tbsp chopped white onion
1 cup chopped baby bella mushrooms
½ cup sliced grape tomatoes
1 cup baby spinach
cooking spray of your choice
1 cup sliced berries

Let us know what you think of these types of “cooking” videos.  If you all like them we can do more!  Hannah and I both LOVE to cook and would love to share more recipes and tips with you.  Also, let me know what you eat for breakfast…I’m always looking for new ideas!  Stay tuned for what’s next….LUNCH!

Health and Happiness!

Olivia xo

#MyFitspiration Events

A Big Announcement!

Hello Myfitspirationers!! Sorry to keep you in suspense! 😉 We are so excited to announce a special retreat. It’s a retreat Olivia and I have been involved with and we couldn’t be prouder! It will be a smaller group (so if you’re IN sign up soon, we are already filling up!) so people can receive real one on one time. This is a chance to really make a change in your life physically, emotionally and however you are willing to change. Carter Hays who will be heading this shebang is someone who is very near and dear to my heart. He helped me overcome so many things as I was training for my finale and in my life since BL. Also his mini sidekick Marynell Roberts who you will love as much as Olivia and I do. She’s better known as the MurnBurn! Olivia and I are also excited to welcome you to Tennessee to see our “a lil bit country” side! Check out to get a sneak peak at your new digs for the week! There are some great giveaways coming up as well. I love a good giveaway! If you are in the area and would like to come as a day guest and not spend the night, there is something for you as well.

Also…..NEWSFLASH….Courtney Crozier and Marci Crozier AKA TEAM AQUA,will be at the retreat as well. Come hear their stories, share with them your stories and spend a week away from home without gaining a lb. There will be other special guests throughout the week as well. So if you are ready to make a change or you are in the middle of your journey or you just want to stay motivated, this is for YOU! A week of fitness, nutrition, laughs, tears and much more await you. Jillian used to say to us, “Your destiny awaits you, you have to reach higher.” If you’re ready to reach we’re ready!! Did I mention if you sign up early there will be a raffle for a private dinner? I love eating and chatting! 😉

Ok, so here’s watcha do: go to (With lodging) or (No lodging) for the deets and to sign up. Next go to and click Like. We will be posting several things on the FB page as well! Who’s ready?? Meeeeeeeeee

O & Han