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Hi Everybody! So today we have a pretty serious video. Olivia shares about her pregnancy and miscarriage from this past Fall. If you wondered why there was a lull in activity around the MyFitspiration world this will give you some background. So many have asked about her journey towards expanding her and Ben’s family…today we talk it out. Get some tissues! We love you all and thank you so much for all your support!
Pregnancy can mean the beginning of a new stage in a woman’s life, with all the changes that new stage can bring. People talk about obvious ones — cravings, fatigue, nausea, body shape — but there are also situations like negotiating new working arrangements and reworking your finances that can make this a difficult time and some test that can be difficult without communication, check over here for the the home tests to take in the comfort of your home.
As well as physical, financial, and social changes, many women experience emotional changes during pregnancy too. Mixed emotions are a normal and necessary part of preparing to become a parent, and exploring a review of Invest Diva could offer additional insights into managing these transitions effectively.
Like unexpected physical health complications (for example, high blood pressure), mental health problems can affect any woman during pregnancy. Talking about your feelings can be the first step towards feeling better.
It’s very important to look after yourself and recognise if you are finding it difficult to manage from day to day. If you have been feeling sad, down, worried or anxious for a while and this is starting to affect your life, it’s time to seek help.
47 replies on “Life and Pregnancy”
As a woman who struggles with PCOS, I really admire you sharing your story. I have always been curious about how your fertility has changed since your weight loss. I am working on managing this syndrome in hopes of getting pregnant soon. You are both so strong, I look up to you!
People make me soooo mad. I’m soooo sorry you have to listen to ignorant people! You sooooo don’t deserve that. I will soooo be praying for you and Ben to be blessed with a beautiful baby soon. Ya’ll will be the best parents ever!! God bless you Olivia!! Love you guys!!!
First off, thank you so much for sharing this! It was really just an encouragement for me when you talked about how it’s ok to cry and be mad and just be quiet… so true! How each person grieves is their own business.
And to those ( if I was a swearing type of person, something nasty would go here) scumbags who said those mean things about you, I hope that when they are hurt by some nasty thing someone says about them, I hope that they remember how mean and hurtful they were to you… and that they then realize just how much that can hurt someone!
My mother had two miscarriages before she had me and my three younger siblings. They had the paperwork in to begin the adoption process when they found out that she was pregnant with me! And then, after my youngest biological brother was born, they decided to adopt also! And now I have two other wonderful siblings in my life! So just know that God will give you those children who He knows need you! And I can guarantee that His perfect plan is “exceedingly above all that you could ever ask or even think!”
I will pray that the Lord will continue to encourage you in this! Thanks so much for sharing this! And know that the way that you responded to this trial, by giving God the glory, encouraged me and many others!
I am really sorry for the pain you have been experiencing, especially for any pain that has been added by people’s insensitive comments. When I was grieving over a different kind of loss, someone told me that a lot of times it feels like you, the grieving individual (who is already just trying to survive in the midst of the pain of that loss), have to be “bigger person” and just let rude or insensitive comments slide. I don’t know about you, but I found that to be true. Which is totally unfair, and hurtful. So I am really, really sorry, and I will be praying for God to give you strength in the wait…your family will be beautiful, however God chooses to build it! You will be a fabulous mom.
Wow I am so sorry for your pain and your loss. I know the feeling and I pray that you get what you want and what God has in store for you! You will be a fantastic mother! God Bless!
Olivia, you and Ben are in my thoughts and prayers!
Thank you for being so vulnerable with us. I’ll be praying for you and Ben!
God bless you Olivia! Thank you so much for sharing something so very personal that’s been going on with you and Ben. You guys will be in my prayers!
I couldn’t help but cry when I watched this because my nephew will be 1 next Sunday and my sister had such a tough time getting pregnant with him and it broke my heart as a sister that there was nothing I could do to help her other than be there when she needed me and to keep her in my prayers.
You and Ben are going to be wonderful parents and I know God has some terrific blessings in store for you both.
You are incredibly brave to share such a private part of your life. Although I am still too young and don’t struggle with PCOS, I have a friend that does and I know that she was told she was never going to have children although this was before she started losing weight and she was devastated because she loves children. I just wanted to let you know that you and Ben are both in my thoughts and I am happy that you shared your story.
I hope that all those haters get over their issues, because it makes me so upset that people have to say such hateful things when they don’t know the whole story. Its just like being overweight, you get so many hateful looks, snickering behind your back, and uncalled for actions, however they have NO idea what you are dealing with, and yes you are dealing with it by food, but it doesn’t make it right to call you names or anything.
Once again, thank you for your story.
You both are amazing ( & Ben as well!). You’ll always be an inspiration to me!
Keep Fighting Olivia, you will make a wonderful mother no matter how that ends up happening. Good luck 🙂
Olivia I am so sorry to hear about your loss… I can’t imagine how you are feeling. I have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years now and also struggling with PCOS. It’s such a hard battle that many will never understand unless you are going through it. I never imagined how difficult infertility could be …. Honestly it is exhausting sometimes but I know one day it will all be totally worth it. I will keep you in my prayers and I know that God has something very special for you! You are such a special person and will be an awesome mom one day! Not sure if you would remember me but you and Hannah spoke at my Go Red for Women luncheon in Alexandria, LA a couple of years ago…. I worked for the American Heart Association and drove you guys around as well as attempted crossfit for the first time with you! Thanks for the inspiring video!
Olivia- thank you so much for sharing your story. I find you and Hannah to be so inspirational and really cherish that you choose to share your journey for the world to see. You are impacting so many lives and in turn we are all here to support your journey. My best to you and Ben… I know with time you will get the family that you dream of! Xoxo
You are so brave for sharing your story! It’s so deeply personal. Next week our baby girl will be 5 years old and she came after much pain and loss. Regardless of the outcome, God is nothing but good and He loves you so much. I know that God will use this and redeem this in your lives. Praying for you both right now! Don’t give up.
Bless your heart, sweetie. My daughter miscarried two summers ago and it is one of the hardest things. Keeping Ben and you in my prayers. <3
Olivia, I am so sorry you’ve had to go through this. God has a very special baby for you and in His time He will give you and Ben that baby. Thank you for sharing such a personal story. God bless you. You and Ben are in my prayers. 🙂
Thank you so much for posting this. I follow you because I’m also a mezzo-soprano opera singer that has PCOS. I have lost almost 50lbs since April 2012 and have managed to get pregnant twice but have lost them both. People are so insensitive and both pregnancy loss and PCOS I hope to be able to educated people someday. I pray for you and your family and know that God will bless you someday.
Hi Olivia and Hannah! Thanks for the heart felt message. In 2007, I suffered a terrible loss at 21 weeks of pregnancy. Since then i rode the roller coaster of pain and loss. I decided to take the burden and turn into an act of love. I am a counselor at a Pregnancy Support Center in NYC which not only advocates life, also offers counseling for pregnancy loss and after abortion care. God has shown me that the holes which exist in life are to show us our explicit need for Him. Your willingness to share it is a step of your healing and I pray will not be the only ones. This is really important stuff. God bless you both.
Hi O and H! Thanks for the heart felt message. In 2007, I suffered a terrible loss at 21 weeks of pregnancy. Since then i rode the roller coaster of pain and loss. I decided to take the burden and turn into an act of love. I am a counselor at a Pregnancy Support Center in NYC which not only advocates life, also offers counseling for pregnancy loss and after abortion care. God has shown me that the holes exist in life to show us our explicit need for Him. Your willingness to share it is a step of your healing & pray will not be the only one. God bless you both.
Hi girls! I loved seeing you today. Life is hard but always better when shared. I had a miscarriage before I had my babies. It made me so determined and dedicated to being a mom. I never took any amount of it for granted. Going through all that also brought my husband and I together to a deeper level. God has a plan for us that we can’t always see or understand. I’m praying for your family.
I am so sorry for your loss, Olivia! You are incredibly brave and strong to share your story and I appreciate it so much. I was listening to your video on my way to work, I had just left my fertility doctor’s office after what felt like the 1 millionth time and your story hit so close to home. I found myself crying so hard I had to pull over. I also have PCOS and have struggled with my weight my whole life. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for almost two years and this journey has taught me that patience, determination and optimism are crucial to living and thriving during such a difficult time. Sometimes I feel like this has defined who I am over the past two years. I can’t tell you how surprised and thrilled I am to hear that you essentially have completely normal ovaries after losing weight. I am so happy for you and inspired to try to create the same circumstances for myself. It makes me feel guilty and selfish for not giving weight loss my undivided attention, but I know I need to focus on the path forward. Thank you again for sharing your story, I wish you and Ben the best as your journey continues and I hope you will keep us posted on the progress.
Oh, Olivia, I am SO sorry for your loss. You and Hannah are my favorite “Biggest Losers” – I was rooting for the two of you from day one of Season 11, and I love following your journey to this day. You both are so real and so inspiring and I will be praying for you to get your baby joy.
So much of what both you and Hannah said resonated with me in this video. I haven’t had a miscarriage, but I had a different kind of harrowing pregnancy experience, and the fact is, nobody knows what another person is going through. My husband and I struggled to conceive and when we finally did, I heard a lot of hurtful comments from people, to the effect of “You just got pregnant because you were jealous” of a coworker who had already announced her pregnancy. Those kinds of remarks broke my heart and when I told another colleague, she was appalled that people would say something like that and she pointed out – just as Hannah did – that no one knows what another person has been quietly going through, and that’s why people need to watch what they say. I went on to have a high risk pregnancy, which I nearly lost in the third trimester – my daughter had intra-uterine growth restriction and had basically stopped growing at 28 weeks. At 31 weeks I was misdiagnosed with preeclampsia and my daughter was born weighing 2 lbs, 9 oz. (Even though I didn’t have preeclampsia, I had other pregnancy problems and my daughter was in distress, so having her early was the right thing, although not easy.) We spent 7.5 weeks in the NICU and had a couple of very scary problems during that time. My daughter is 17 months old and healthy now, but going through that experience – first, of struggling to conceive and then of having a high risk pregnancy and a sick preemie – changed me fundamentally. (And Hannah’s remark that without this experience, it wouldn’t be possible to have your first child, whomever he or she might be – so true. I think, all the time, that if I had conceived on one of our earlier tries, I would have a different child, and I can’t imagine having anyone else but my daughter as my first baby. My best friend has commented on that so many times – that I had the baby God meant for me to get, when he meant for me to get her.)
You asked for comments sharing comforting messages. I don’t know if this qualifies, but a phrase that knocked around my head quite a bit during my NICU journey was this: “God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle.” At the time, when I was shaking with fear every morning as we drove to the hospital because I wasn’t sure what I would find, and when I was struggling to produce enough milk to feed my baby, that phrase made me kind of mad, because I felt like it wasn’t true and that I actually couldn’t handle, and wasn’t handling, our NICU experience. I felt like I couldn’t be there to support my husband because I was barely able to hold it together myself. (There are still parts of the NICU journey that I haven’t processed and over a year later, I still struggle with feelings of anxiety and injustice over my pregnancy experience.) But now I can see how accurate the phrase “God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle” really is. As much as I felt it was wrong at the time, now on the other side I see that I did handle it – at least, the best way I could – that I was able to be strong for my daughter and that now I’m a stronger person because I went through all of that. So although I didn’t think, at the time, that I was tough enough to make it through the NICU, God had other ideas and He was right (as always). I hope that helps and doesn’t seem too weird.
Sorry for this novel of a comment. I will be praying for you and Ben. Keep your head up!
Hello girls !!!!
Well Olivia you are a fighter you gonna do this !!!!! You are so strong and you’ve done amazing … don’t give up !!!! keep fighting you are an incredible woman !!!! I send you a huge hug and i really hope that your dream will come true !!!!!
Hannah …. you’ll be an amazing aunt !!!!!
God bless you and your family. As a woman who has suffered through a miscarriage, I unfortunately can relate. You and your family are in my prayers. Don’t let the stupidity of some unfortunate souls that would rather promote hatred than love get you down.
So I’m sure I’ll get a lot of hate and nasty comments below but I’m a very honest person and frankly, I officially feel like an @$$!
I will begin with saying that I’ve never watched Biggest Loser because I’ve never understood how you can truly “motivate” people by frankly embarrassing them making them go on national TV with sports bras and expose their bodies…to me that’s just rude and inconsiderate but at the end of the day every one wants to make money and well…so be it, it’s them not me.
That being said, the one and only season I watched was the one you 2 were on and I remember CRYING and BALLING when you gave your speech about how much you wanted to be a parent and from that moment on I rooted for you and your sister and was so happy when you won.
Although I never went on social media to blast you about not having children even though that was one of your motivations, I always wondered and said to myself, “Was that all true? Or did she just say that to win?” and as someone who has struggled with fertility I never stopped to think “what if she’s still struggling?” So I formerly want to apologize to you for being so judgmental.
Now on to a more positive note, I have a friend who is 43 and she underwent fertility treatment that cost her about $10k+ and she miscarried at 20 something weeks. This was her second miscarriage and as you can imagine at her age and after spending so much it was a BIG let down for her, her husband and her 10 y/o son who was so excited to have a sibling. Fast forward to today (this was about 2 years ago) she is now PREGNANT! And guess what, she got pregnant on her own!!! She had to have her cervix stitched and she has to go for follow ups, etc every 2 weeks but she’s almost full term and God willing she’s due in 6 weeks.
God is good and He blesses us when He knows we’re ready. Everything is on His time, not ours so I again apologize and hope that you are able to make your dreams come true.
As for me, I’ve honestly given up hope and after having so many health issues (including having a malignant tumor with a high recurrence rate) I pray every day that He doesn’t let me conceive but I know that if He does, it’s what He wants for me.
I will keep you and Ben in my prayers and hope that you find peace during this time and NEVER lose faith.
God bless!
Olivia, you are so kind to share such a private matter with us. And brave. God bless you for being so vulnerable. My niece had two miscarriages, then had one gloriously wonderful daughter. Your time is coming, in one form or another!
It hurts me to think of how much unnecessary pain you have been subjected to because of the hurtful, thoughtless words of some faceless coward. Know this. Many, many people love you, respect you, and are rooting for you. Bathe in that love, Olivia, and pray for those who sling harsh words your way. Now, get on up, girl, and go be your FABULOUS self!
JayneTransforms UTC1.0
I will be praying that the Lord would bless you with a child. My husband and I have 1 child, he is a miracle boy, and is almost 3. In 2012 I got pregnant again (really easily compared to my son), and 12 weeks later I found out that the baby had not grown properly, and I miscarried. It was devastating, and heartbreaking, but the Lord has been so good to me and my family. Don’t be afraid to cry about it. Don’t be afraid to mourn. Don’t be afraid to tell people how real the pain is. How real your child is. And make sure to talk with your hubby. He is possibly hurting more than he will let on. Let him cry too.
There is no magic solution or fix-all for fertility. But pursue God in the midst of it and He will direct your paths.
Prayers your way sweet Lady. I do agree with you people can be “bullies” behind the computer screen. <3
Might want to look deeper at healing your body. Dr. D’Adamo in Connecticut works on the cells and health one step further toward your weight loss journey. Healthy cells make healthy bodies. Peace
As a woman that struggles with PCOS and knows what a struggle conceiving will be for me when that time comes and how private that pain is, I have to say, I’m touched that you would share this with so many people and thank you for being such an inspiration to all of us.
I also want to say, and I hope I’m not overstepping, but I don’t believe that you and your husband were parents for just those 10 1/2 weeks. I believe that you’re still parents because while you didn’t get to hold your child here in this life, they are waiting for you in the next. What a meeting that will be. 🙂
Thank you again for sharing.
Hey Olivia,
Thank you so much for opening up about your struggles with fertility. Your story has always been so close to my heart since watching you on the biggest loser. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 14 years and we are still waiting on our children as well. I was diagnosed with PCOS and have never been able to get my weight and symptoms under control. You are such an inspiration and to me and even more so since you opened up about your struggles. I know how vulnerable that had to make you feel. I am praying for you and Ben as you walk through this. Just know that there are others of us out there who know what you are going through and who are praying for you! I am already looking forward to the videos where you tell us that your long awaited, long prayed for baby is finally here. Until that time comes, hold fast to your hope in the Lord and let His peace wash over you daily. He sees you, He remembers you, He loves you, and He has wonderful things in store for you and Ben!
Olivia, first I want to say I’m so sorry to you and Ben! Thank you for your honesty and transparency- I cried right along with you and thankful for Hannah, who is super supportive and loving. My sister and I have a relationship like you two and so blessed by it.She saw your video and told me to watch it because she knew it would resonate with what we just went through. I miscarried in the beg. of Oct. with baby number 5. It was my first loss, a surprise pregnancy (but not to God) for my husband and I and at first, I am ashamed to say I was overwhelmed about it but soon forgot all that and embraced the thought of motherhood again so when I lost this baby, I was devastated!!! Why does God begin a life to only take it?? Because space limits me, I will share with you what my husband shared with us in comfort during our time of prayer and service when burying our baby.In Ecc. 4;2-3 :and I declared that the dead who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive, but better than both, is he who has not yet been, who has not seen evil that is done under the sun.” NIV It brought me so much comfort because after I lost this baby, my only comfort was in knowing it was in the safe arms of Jesus forever and someday, we will meet our child face to face, just like Ben and you will. As much as the pain of not holding this child is for us, knowing we will never have to worry in any way about this child being hurt or lost ever….it was and is a comfort. There is also a beautiful website created for just this purpose- to honor those that we have lost, babies… You can connect with others that have gone through what you have and understand the pain. Love and blessings to you!!!
Hi Olivia and Hannah!
Olivia, I wanted to add to the love and support from all the people posting above me, and to say that I also had a miscarriage (back in 2009), after 2 years of exhausting fertility treatments. I was only 6 weeks along, but after trying for so long, I was so, so excited to be pregnant, and so devastated that I miscarried. At the time I only shared it with my husband, but have since told a few other people – I was so early into my pregnancy that I figured everyone would think I was being dramatic :/. I’m happy to say that I got pregnant with my little girl a few months later, and she’s about to have her 4th birthday!
The thing I most wanted to comment on was about something you said in the video – that you and Ben got the chance to be parents for a little while, and some day you hopefully will again. I firmly believe that despite having a miscarriage, from the moment that baby was conceived, you were a mommy, and you will never not be one. You may be a mommy to a soul who never got the chance to be born, but in my opinion, you’re a mommy all the same.
Love to you ladies, and to your family <3
My husband and I tried to get pregnant for over a year when I finally got pregnant and miscarried at 6 1/2 weeks. It was definitely hard, but the one good thing about it (like you) was that at least I knew it was possible to get pregnant. It took another 2 1/2 years to finally get pregnant again and now I have 4 kids – 9,8,5, and new baby.
We didn’t get too much of the questioning, but one of my husbands younger brothers would always ask us when we were going to have a baby, so we just started telling him “next week”. It is hard to want a baby so bad and not have it happen. My sister in law had a baby and got pregnant a 2nd time, all while we were trying to get pregnant. I went home and cried when I found out about her 2nd baby, but little did I know that I was just barely pregnant with my son.
Hope all goes well with you and I hope you will be a (at least on earth) mom sooner than later.
(continued from above)
I don’t want to sound (like you said) a Debbie downer, but I have to tell you a little about my friends. There are 6 of us that love to get together for girls nights or girls weekends occasionally. Out of the 6 of us, 3 have had stillborns. 4 of us have had a miscarriage. 1 has never lost a baby, but she had 3 kids in just under 3 years (she was on birth control and still got pregnant… just REALLY fertile). I couldn’t share my miscarriage with people. Not really. I think I talked to my sister a little bit, and I did talk to a friend at work about it. But talking about it was really hard for me. I wouldn’t wish these kind of trials on anyone, but I would have to say that having supportive friends or family is a big help with these things. When us friends get together at some point it we sometimes get talking about our babies or pregnancies. Talking about it it theraputic. Remembering the babies and miscarriage (while sad) helps us to know that there are so many out there that can benefit from what we learn from our trials. One of my friends has 5 kids. 2 of them were stillborn. It is so hard to see her go through the trial once again, but she is one of the BEST supporters of moms that lose babies. She crochets blankets on the anniversary of her first loss to give to hospitals with instructions to give it to a mom that loses a baby. She knows people that have since lost babies and is one of the first to want to do something for them.
Since having my miscarriage, 3 of my sister in laws have had a miscarriage and we were able to talk about it and completely understand the feelings. There was no judgements, because we had been there/done that.
Anyway… I know that sounds like such a downer post, but having support is the best thing you can do for the trials like this. Talking about it with those who will uplift you help. Learning that you can now help others going through the situation.
And last, I believe we are all mothers of sorts. I have two single sisters who do not have kids. They are such good aunts, spoil them appropriately, and my kids just love them so much. Everyone may not be mothers, but we can be motherly. I really hope you do get your baby you so badly want though. 🙂
Love you guys O and Ben! I’ll b praying for you all!! xo
Thank you for sharing your story, not only the not so happy part but the happy part as well. You and Hannah are such an inspiration to me. I am getting married this August and have already lost 30 lbs but have about the same left to loose. I wish you both nothing but the continuation of your health and happiness. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Hi Olivia! I have been a fan of your guys’ for a while now, like so many here. I recently went through the loss of our firstborn, and there have been a couple of sweet things people gifted me (or I gifted myself.. Haha!) that were and are still encouraging. I would love to send you a little gift package with a couple of my favorite things in it if you are at all interested, but please don’t feel pressured to say yes. You can email me at kristineats at gmail dot com if you have a mailing address I could send it to! Either way I am proud of you for sharing this part of your journey — vulnerability is so hard, and I can only imagine how much more difficult it is when you have a more public platform. All the best to you and Ben! Lamentations 3:22-23 , Kristin
Olivia – you are an incredible inspiration. I’m so sorry this happened and I wish you the absolute best. I also struggle with PCOS and know that this will come together for you and your family. Love your soul cycle classes and see you on a bike soon!
Olivia, I also had the same thing happen. At about 14 weeks, I lost a pregnancy. I got pregnant again. My son is now 12 and amazing. Keep trying.
Olivia and Hannah, you guys are amazing and strong women! Truly inspirational in many ways. Stay positive and don’t listen to the haters/bullies out there! Love you guys <3
Hi Olivia! Love you guys! BL 11 was so amazing and inspirational.
Thank you for sharing your personal story with us. This, too will prove to be an inspiration to many as going through adversities in life make us stronger. I had a miscarriage at 10 1/2 weeks. We were packing to move and my husband is such a wonderful man, he lifted all the heavy items. It was a Friday and I had a regular scheduled appointment that I was so excited about. The doctor listened for the heartbeat and asked if I wanted to listen. Neither one of us could hear the heartbeat and when I asked about that the doctor told me it was normal. That night after packing I began bleeding and was pretty “crampy”. The following morning we went to the ER and was told we had miscarried and that the baby was probably already dead at that appointment.
Although we knew something was wrong, it is so awful to hear the news. It makes it so real. My husband went through a lot of guilt thinking I did too much in getting things ready for our move. A couple of our friends were insensitive and made some comments that were hurtful. Looking back, I think sometimes people don’t know what to say. Personally, I think it’s better to be silent when you don’t know what to say. Just offering a hug “says” a lot.
Being Christians, we believe there is life after death and that even an unborn baby is a life. We fully believe when we get to heaven ourselves we will get to hold that baby and enjoy being with him/her. That was our first pregnancy. The following year we had a beautiful and very healthy girl with a head full of red hair! That was 22 yrs ago! I pray for the day you and Ben will welcome your baby!
I always say when I go through various adversities that I know God has a plan, it’s the going through part that’s hard. God does have a plan for you and Ben and one day there will be a baby filling your home with life and joy!
I am so sorry for your loss. You are so brave for sharing your story, and I know that it will help many women to hear your experience. Pregnancy loss is such a devastatingly personal experience, and yet talking about it in a safe environment is so healing for the person sharing as well as the people listening. Unfortunately, it is much more common than people realize. I’m a social worker on the maternity floor of a hospital, so I’ve sat with many families who have had a miscarriage.
I am glad you have such a supportive family! You two are amazing and I thank you for sharing all of your struggles with us. You are an inspiration. Many, many blessings to you. Olivia, you are great Mom and I am so excited for the child you get to hold in your arms and watch grow up into an amazing person just like you!
As someone who had a miscarriage, I would encourage you to be kind to yourself, particularly around the date that the baby would have been born. With all of the medical technology we have, from the first doctor visit on you have an idea of this child’s birthday. I was personally floored by how sad and awful I felt as that day approached. One thing that was helpful to me was giving the baby a name, and writing a letter to the baby. I did not share this with anyone aside from my husband, but for me it helped make the experience less painful. It is hard, and it will be with you forever, but it doesn’t have to define you.
Olivia thank you for being present in your vulnerability and sharing your story. I suffered a miscarriage that was complicated and I almost lost my life too. The pain and heartache was hard to work through but one thing that really helped me was to write a letter to the baby that blessed me for those 13 weeks and to write about the life I dreamed to create with the baby. It helped me to grieve and to connect with gratitude and find peace.
I am sending you lots of love as you continue to walk your path to motherhood.
Many Blessings to you!
As a woman who has had a miscarriage, I totally understand the feeling of “something’s not right”. It is hard to describe. BUT, I think between now and three months you will find you are pregnant again. There is life inside you to be a wonderful mommy.
What a brave, heartfelt post/video! Like all your supporters I am sorry for your loss. Nothing anyone can say or do will take away the sadness of your loss, but knowing your are loved and supported will hopefully help you through the grief.
I work with women who have lost infants of all ages. I know each of them process their grief differently and find support in different places. I’m fortunate enough to have some resources to give to the families when the leave the hospital. One of my favorite online resources though is
This is an online magazine related to infant loss and infertility. It could be worth a look.
Also, I love that you said you and Ben were able to be parents. You are parents and you did everything you could possibly do to protect and love your child.
All the best to you and your family. You will continue to be wonderful parents to your future children.
I’m so proud of you for your sharing your story and sharing the word of God in the midst of your struggles! I love that you are able to use your platform to share God’s love for us!
I have been struggling with fertility for 2 years now. Mine is caused by a thyroid disorder that also caused so many weight troubles for me. I was sure that after dropping extra weight I would get pregnant in no time. Here I am over 70lbs later and still no big fat positive. It is an unfriendly struggle to have. I watched your season on biggest loser and really connected with both of you. I just discovered this blog after googling trying to find if if you had gotten pregnant after the show. I am so sorry for your loss and wish you the best of luck in growing your family! Thoughts and prayers for you!