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Hannah takes you with her to work, workout, and road trip today…let us know about your day…do you workout early or later??
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Hannah takes you with her to work, workout, and road trip today…let us know about your day…do you workout early or later??
12 replies on “Hannah Loves Vlogging”
Hannah, what I love about your Vlog is you are REAL!! You make me realize that I’m not the only one that struggles with getting the workout in & like you I feel better afterwards no matter what. I sincerely appreciate you sharing this side of your life with us. Can’t wait to see you @ the Finale. You & Olivia are such an incredible inspiration to me and so many others. BIG heartfelt **THANK YOU**
WOW!! I sooooo admire your hard work and dedication with your clean eating and workouts! So many times I wimp out and skip the gym but seeing this makes me realize it’s a commitment you make to yourself so you JUST DO IT regardless if it’s 12:30 at night or 5:30 in the morning! What an inspiration!!
What! Did I hear that right? You do two 45 minutes sessions in the morning and two more at night?? You’re a beast (and I mean that in the most complimentary way!!) I will definitely give it my all at the gym tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiring Vlog.
Hannah, I love how real you are! Every morning I fight to stay in bed or go to the gym. Thanks for showing us we are not alone!
Thanks for the inspiring Vlog Hannah. Your dedication, even at 12:30am to get your second workout in is amazing. Thanks for sharing this and showing the reality of hard work and dedication, and what it takes to truly make this a lifestyle. .
I really enjoyed this Hannah! It was nice to see you in your element doing your thing. I loved you and your mom dancing in the car. That was so sweet! Great job getting in your second workout for the day. That takes a lot of DEDICATION!
Hannah, I loved this! It really let me see what your life is like! The most important thing from this video was when you talked about just waking up and getting in your exercise, I found that really motivational, to see that you do it, but you sometimes struggle! I know its a struggle, I surely hate waking up. I hope that I can take a page from your book and have the motivation you have to do it!
I can’t wait to see more of both you and Olivia! I enjoy seeing this aspect of your lives, and to see that you are more than superstar idols
I’m so excited about what is too come!
That video makes it look so hard. Might it work for most people just to eat healthy foods, bounce around a few times to music right at home, and call it a day?
Hi Hannah! Thanks for sharing a day in your life. I thought of you this morning as I was getting out of bed at 5 am to head to the gym. Too many mornings I have talked myself out of going because it is so cold, but this morning it wa a balmy 25 so off to the gym I went. I do have a question tho, at your 12:30AM workout did you get a good workout in? I know me and I would have done a half-way job, barely lifting or running. I truly admire your’s and Olivia’s dedication and all your hard work, wish some of it would rub off on me. Once I get to the gym I’m great, it’s the getting there part that is so hard for me. Oh well, something for me to work on. Thank you both for your inspiration and motivation, I rely on it. Keep it coming!
I have been wanting to write to the both of you for a few years now. I LOVE YOU GUYS! I watched you on BL and at the time I had just started running. I would push myself because you both pushed yourselves so much! I thought if they can do it, I can do it! And now I am getting ready to run my 5th half marathon!! (NYC half! Fellow Astoria girl here!) I have also made purple my power color :)! Half off of you both and half off of my first pair of purple running shoes. You guys still inspire me all the time! I just watched this video the other day and saw how hard it was for Hannah to get up to go to the gym and it totally reminded me of myself! Every once in awhile I go through these phases where I am NOT a morning person and I am currently in that phase right now. But this morning I thought, Hannah would do it, so I got up and did some pilates and yoga before hitting the gym. So thank you both for giving back with this blog and for showing people that you go through struggles just like everyone else. You guys are amazing!!!
I loved this video and seeing that you struggle the same way I do. There was one thing I wanted to clarify, do you complete 2 – 45 minute workouts everyday? Also how do you split your cardio and weight training. I tend to be a cardio junkie but I know I should do weights as well, I just don’t think I’m doing enough. Any advice you could offer would be appreciated.
Hi Sabrina!! Yes, I do 2 45 minutes sessions. Now, that is not normal for most people. However, I made a commitment to do 90 minutes, 6 days a week.
Usually a split of 3 days of strength training and 5 of cardio is good. However, I like to do a little of both everyday! Weights can be cardio too depending on your rest betweens!! XO,Hannah