Congrats to jilltracy1979 on being our Grand Prize Winner of a trip to Biggest Loser Resort Chicago!!! pullenhb & meganmercer91191 won the BodyMedia systems!!!! (Those are YouTube usernames!)
4pm EDT June 2, 2013. Here and at our YouTube Channel. Join us for lots of fun!!!!!!
Here’s the archive…
4 replies on “DietBet 2 Live Winners Hangout”
Love the Monday, Wednesday, Friday idea! It is a big goal but I know ya’ll ladies can do it! Fitness ones will be great especially things you can do without a gym!
Thanks Margaret!
Can’t wait for Monday, Wed., Fridays in July (that’s my birthday month!).. with all of your traveling, would love you to do one of what in your suitcase (do you have a favorite suitcase), as well as what’s in your gym bag…(do you have a favorite gym bag). Love the “hang outs”.
Congrats to all three of the winners!