
Flexibility Possibilities

We all need more flexibility in our lives…for our muscles AND our lifestyle.

Do you find it hard to stay on track when your routine is turned upside down?

5 replies on “Flexibility Possibilities”

Great video with such useful information! Especially over the holidays, my routine changed drastically because I work at UPS and, needless to say, I work a lot of hours. Since the holidays are over, I have started taking yoga, which is so challenging but very rewarding. The thing I enjoy most though, are those walks with my husband when weather permits. Love watching your videos ladies! So inspiring and helpful. 🙂

Great and so timely!! I just tore my acl so need to learn how to adapt…so bummed I will be missing your Thursday class Olivia. Hope to be back soon.

can’t wait until all this ice and snow is gone on Long Island….looking forward to walking with my husband after dinner again. It really did make such a difference, not only in weight loss and in fitness, but in our moods, our relationship….connecting, talking, dreaming and talking together while walking is priceless!

So I’m slow to the rodeo and just subscribed to the channel and have watched non-stop back to back videos of y’all. You may have already covered this but I would like to know about the BodyMedia. Do y’all still use these? AND were they an integral part in your weight loss?

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