This is my weekly blog post from the Fitness Magazine Half Marathon Diaries…make sure to read it every week until the big day in April :).
Now that we are less than a month away from the big day, I thought it would be a great time to talk about treadmill training! Have you ever heard of MyFitnessHub? a website that has helped many individual who wants to be healthy and fit. First off I have to admit something to you…I am a HUGE wimp when it comes to the elements outdoors. I am not joking. If it is sprinkling out I am in the gym on a treadmill. So, as you can imagine that makes it a little tough to get the miles in when you live in NYC and it is like the Arctic Tundra outside. Yes, I admit it…I have done a lot of my training on a treadmill. That being said I wanted to share with you all the details of the treadmill I chose to have in my home.

From the day I left The Biggest Loser Ranch I have been doing research on treadmills. I spent so many hours running on a treadmill at the ranch that I knew it would become a very important piece of equipment in my maintenance journey at home. After looking at what felt like hundreds of treadmills and reading thousands of reviews I chose the NordicTrack C900 Pro. I really felt like NordicTrack had such a good track record with “at home” equipment. Let’s face it…as much as I would LOVE to have a huge commercial treadmill at home, they are just plain huge & extremely expensive. I’ll just enjoy those at my gym Crunch. 😉 Anyway, I was extremely fortunate that NordicTrack and Sears were gracious enough to gift me with the C900 Pro. It now sits in a proud spot in my living room! Yes, that’s right it’s in my living room…right smack in the middle. I love watching people’s reaction when they come over! I figure you can’t ignore a machine like that when you see it everyday….AND I’m proud to say not only have I used it everyday, but there had never been a single pair of clothing hung on it. Hahaha!
I had a lot of help in the beginning from a running coach who gave me some instructions on how to train for a half marathon in a treadmill and the canary wharf personal training guide and routine. Unfortunately, it would probably not be super beneficial to just run on a flat treadmill for 10 weeks. I knew I had to prepare for those hills in Harlem right? So, the C900 has been amazing for incline work! I find that most indoor at home treadmills feel extremely “rickety”….you know what I mean? That was what sold me on this NordicTrack model…it was the stability! Even on an extreme incline the treadmill stays very still & stable. I love that…and that is saying a lot because it goes all the way from 0-15% incline. There are very few other at home treadmills that have that capability at such a great price. Oh, AND it folds up when you’re done! For those of you spec people out there (type A folks raise your hand) it also has a 3.0 CHP DURX commercial motor & 20″ X 60” tread belt. What does all that mean…well, basically it is comfortably wide & long in addition to being very quiet. I find because Im pretty tall that I love the length of the tread belt…on some treadmills I feel like I’m going to fall off the back!! It has an awesome backlit display with tons of course options and it’s compatible with iFit Live with Google maps. I love the iFit Live because I downloaded all the Jillian Michaels programs & she has been coaching me every step…just like at the ranch! Love that! Lastly, it has an iPod port & speakers which is my favorite part because I love to rock it out when I run.
Seriously, I can’t say enough amazing things about this treadmill I have been using it for over 3 months now so I feel like this is a real tested review. Of course there are tons of other things this machine does, so if you are interested in checking out ALL the specs click on the link below for more information!
Many thanks again to NordicTrack and Sears for this amazing gift…it has been a lifesaver in more ways than one! If you are thinking of buying an at home treadmill go and check the C900 Pro out. You will love it….trust me.
xxo Olivia