Live 8/7/15 at 9 Eastern…join us for LIVE fun!!
End-of-DietBet Hangout

Live 8/7/15 at 9 Eastern…join us for LIVE fun!!
We talk all things motivation and life and fun on the eve of our July Jumpstart DietBet…watch the archive here…
We are SO EXCITED to be hosting another DietBet this summer. It begins July 8 but you can sign up NOW!! Lose 4% of your bodyweight in 28 days and make some cash…plus join this amazing community and find the support you need to get to the next level of your health journey.
So often we treat our health like fads; we’ll do a 4 week diet, we’ll join a 6 week boot camp, we’ll do a 5 day cleanse, we got the piezowave therapy machine | MacSons Health, you get the idea. I’m not saying these things don’t have their place – they do, they are great at getting people motivated and on the right track, but to me health is so much more than a 4 week fad…it’s a journey.
A health journey really is about making changes to your lifestyle and assuming the role of student. It’s all about empowering ourselves to take control of our own health and make constructive changes. Everyones health journey is unique and different. Along my own journey I’ve learnt some key things that I wanted to share to help you on your own.
It’s a process.
In the world of health there is no such thing as a quick fix. Taking control of your own health is a process that will take time. There will be ups and downs, you’ll probably take a few steps back and have days when you feel down, but hey, it’s called a journey! Once you throw the quick fix mentality out the door you’ll realise that the changes you’re making and knowledge your gaining about your own body is going to empower you for life and those around you.
PUT IT INTO ACTION: Ditch the quick fix mentality. A health journey is just as much a mental change as it is a physical. I find it really beneficial to have 10 minutes each morning where I just meditate or sit quietly focusing on my breathing. It may seem simple but having this time to slow down and reconnect really helped me stop racing through everything in life and appreciate the moments in front of me.
Everything is connected.
With all the heart specialists and lung specialists, ear, throat and nose specialists and countless other specialists, it’s easy to think that the body functions in separate ways. It doesn’t. Our body is one organism, meaning if we’re always getting sick it isn’t medicine we need to take, but we need to look holistically and consider how we’re nourishing our bodies, mind and spirit. Once we understand that everything is connected we can truly start to heal our whole selves.
Let’s do this!!!! xxoo Olivia & Hannah
I did an interview with SoulCycle up on their blog all about getting pregnant, PCOS, and staying healthy and fit…would love for you all to check it out and let me know what you think! Link here.
xoxo Olivia
Lots of you asked about the song in the wedding vlog…it was written by Olivia’s husband Ben. It’s now available to download on iTunes!
Here’s a fun music video!