
Make 2012 the Year of You!

The first New Years Eve of the rest of my life!

I know I’m a little late on the “New Year Bandwagon” but in my travels of late the message has been all about 2012! Olivia and I have met thousands of people who were just like us, desperate to change and trying to find a way to do it. That’s what this year is about. A RADICAL change that is in your hands! Yes, YOUR HANDS. I can remember one of the things our dearest Jillian (insert her pet names for us pumpkin and peanut)said to me “Hannah, your destiny awaits you, you just don’t know how to reach for it”. That was the day I learned that I wasn’t waiting on life to happen, life was waiting on ME to happen. It was to say the least, a powerful day for Olivia and I. It was also the day that Bob took his purple girls outside and found out who we really were (see picture on the steps of the BL gym sans our normal prom make up and newly coiffed hair do’s – insert 200 + pounds ). I began to talk about things that no one knew. Giving up on my life selfishly at the age of 20. Letting fear of being talented at NOTHING but sports control my life. Feeling like I had NOTHING to offer the world much less a man. The 12 year pity party (my pity parties included FABULOUS food and alcohol-free cocktails ;)that began as a result of an injury that would soon take my mind to depression and total denial. As I packed on the pounds I became numb and quickly fell asleep in the passenger’s seat of my own life. Bob found out that day EXACTLY who I was and as Olivia talked about her own dreams being broken, wanting a career in music (we have all heard her victorious vocal chords as she belted out harmoniously from the biggest loser scale with Jillian’s mouth hanging wide open and Bob and I in tears). Bob simply said 5 words to us, “It’s time for new dreams.”  Bob and Jillian saw something in us that we hadn’t seen in ourselves in decades. Hope, promise (a looming horrible makeover dress with devestatingly ugly bangs for me)and most of all LIFE. It was the first time since 1998 that I thought I could have a new dream. There that day my fight to lose weight but most of all find a new dream of loving myself through health and reaching for my own destiny began.

I know not everyone can go to the ranch or even meet these two AMAZING people BUT you can go through the same change and stand on your finale stage of life with your pretty hot pink lips (Olivia) or dangerously short red dress (thank God I didn’t have a Britney peak-a-boo moment)Hannah.

Bob learning why the Purple Team came to the ranch

This Blog is not only for people that need to lose weight. This blog is for everyone that wants more out of YOUR life. For people who want something but never really stood up and DEMANDED it. Well I am telling  you right now NOW is the time. Not Monday, not 2013, not in a month or even tomorrow. NOW. This might mean you take a small step like cutting out soda or vowing to spend more time with your family. This might mean starting a walking program or being more social by putting yourself in situations that might be a little uncomfortable. This might mean GOING for the job you always wanted but never thought you could have or going home TONIGHT and cleaning out your pantry full of junk no matter what your family says. Life is short WHY NOT YOU? From a girl who just had a banner year in her life and has finally decided NOT to waste another second being unhappy and out of control.

O and I with some healthy eats!

As the clock started the countdown to 2012 5…4…..3…..2…..1, I remember thinking to myself (in my pretty party dress, the first time I ever wore a  dress for NYE) all the things of 2011 that were the best of times and the worst of times, but most of all the milestones that led me to this day. As the clock struck 2012, I stood up and literally screamed for joy as this was the FIRST time in 14 years that I did not have to make a resolution to lose 100 lbs, as I cried tears of happiness and danced the night away with my friends. All because I learned how to ask for help and receive help. Happy 2012 MyFitspirationers, you inspire me everyday and I know you will attack your 2012 goals with confidence and fury!

NOW, what are YOU waiting on?




Motivation to Move a Mountain!

Well, we are officially into 2012!! The Holiday’s were fab…and because of the Christmas Challenge we all got a head start on our health & wellness goals. We win!

I have to say that one of the MOST frequent questions Hannah & I get asked has to be about Motivation. That being said this blog has been rolling around in my head for some time now. Webster’s Dictionary defines Motivation as this: the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal. Um, well doesn’t that make it sound like a cake walk?? We all know that weight loss ain’t no cake walk…although many times we want to just walk to the nearest cake! Right? Right.

I find motivation to be a tricky thing. Let me clarify. I personally believe that motivation lives & is birthed in our emotions. As we all know emotions change with the wind and are not always that reliable. I don’t know about you but “motivation” does not wake me up in the morning to go run outside in 30 degree NYC weather. BUT, making a choice does. I remember Jillian told me one time that you can have all the motivation & good intentions in the world, but if you don’t make good choices it means nothing. So true. Now, I’m not saying motivation is bad…that is not where I’m going with this at all. As a matter of fact I think it is a vital part of any health related journey. The most encouraging thing I can tell you is that it’s really pretty simple. You can really “dumb it down” to simple choices. Ask yourself OUT LOUD in the morning…”Olivia, are you going to get up & workout or are you going to lay here and sleep?”…9 times out of 10 when you physically ask yourself to make a choice you will make the right one. IF on that occasional morning you say no…go one step further and ask yourself why. AND BE HONEST when you answer. “I just don’t want to” or “I’m tired” isn’t specific enough. If you are serious about achieving a certain goal & you are exhibiting behavior to sabotage that goal maybe there is something else going on inside. Are you feeling defeated, anxious, or scared? It helps to identify those feelings and work through them. Even if you still decide not to get up at least there is a victory in identifying what you are feeling. It’s honest and it’s a start. I also think that journalling is HUGE. Sometimes it just helps to flesh out what you are feeling on paper. Also, when you are feeling good & on the right track write it down! Then when you are struggling you have something tangible to go back to for encouragement! Trust me your own words will be the most encouraging of anyone’s! I still go back & read my journals from the ranch when I need a good kick in the butt! I am reminded of how hard I worked & how important this journey is.

Now, let’s go back to the emotional side of Motivation. Once you have made the choice to get up NOW you can lean on the motivational part. Make it specific…and specific to only you. Right now I have a pair of jeans I want to look KILLER in…I can wear them now, but they don’t look like I want them to….SOOOO….when I am at SoulCycle or running I think about my legs and butt burning because that helps push me further in my workouts! I even have the jeans hanging on my closet door so I see them everyday! Motivation can be anything…your kids, an item of clothes, a trip, a race….anything. JUST pick something special to you. Also, whatever motivates you can change often…and it should…keep it fresh!

Remember the joy in all this is your journey is made up of thousands of simple choices. The great news is if you make a bad one…it’s OK we ALL do…you will get to redeem yourself with the next choice right around the corner! We can do this! We are taking 2012 by storm.

What motivates you?? I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on all things Motivation! Let me know in the comments.


Olivia xo