Well, we are officially into 2012!! The Holiday’s were fab…and because of the Christmas Challenge we all got a head start on our health & wellness goals. We win!
I have to say that one of the MOST frequent questions Hannah & I get asked has to be about Motivation. That being said this blog has been rolling around in my head for some time now. Webster’s Dictionary defines Motivation as this: the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal. Um, well doesn’t that make it sound like a cake walk?? We all know that weight loss ain’t no cake walk…although many times we want to just walk to the nearest cake! Right? Right.
I find motivation to be a tricky thing. Let me clarify. I personally believe that motivation lives & is birthed in our emotions. As we all know emotions change with the wind and are not always that reliable. I don’t know about you but “motivation” does not wake me up in the morning to go run outside in 30 degree NYC weather. BUT, making a choice does. I remember Jillian told me one time that you can have all the motivation & good intentions in the world, but if you don’t make good choices it means nothing. So true. Now, I’m not saying motivation is bad…that is not where I’m going with this at all. As a matter of fact I think it is a vital part of any health related journey. The most encouraging thing I can tell you is that it’s really pretty simple. You can really “dumb it down” to simple choices. Ask yourself OUT LOUD in the morning…”Olivia, are you going to get up & workout or are you going to lay here and sleep?”…9 times out of 10 when you physically ask yourself to make a choice you will make the right one. IF on that occasional morning you say no…go one step further and ask yourself why. AND BE HONEST when you answer. “I just don’t want to” or “I’m tired” isn’t specific enough. If you are serious about achieving a certain goal & you are exhibiting behavior to sabotage that goal maybe there is something else going on inside. Are you feeling defeated, anxious, or scared? It helps to identify those feelings and work through them. Even if you still decide not to get up at least there is a victory in identifying what you are feeling. It’s honest and it’s a start. I also think that journalling is HUGE. Sometimes it just helps to flesh out what you are feeling on paper. Also, when you are feeling good & on the right track write it down! Then when you are struggling you have something tangible to go back to for encouragement! Trust me your own words will be the most encouraging of anyone’s! I still go back & read my journals from the ranch when I need a good kick in the butt! I am reminded of how hard I worked & how important this journey is.
Now, let’s go back to the emotional side of Motivation. Once you have made the choice to get up NOW you can lean on the motivational part. Make it specific…and specific to only you. Right now I have a pair of jeans I want to look KILLER in…I can wear them now, but they don’t look like I want them to….SOOOO….when I am at SoulCycle or running I think about my legs and butt burning because that helps push me further in my workouts! I even have the jeans hanging on my closet door so I see them everyday! Motivation can be anything…your kids, an item of clothes, a trip, a race….anything. JUST pick something special to you. Also, whatever motivates you can change often…and it should…keep it fresh!
Remember the joy in all this is your journey is made up of thousands of simple choices. The great news is if you make a bad one…it’s OK we ALL do…you will get to redeem yourself with the next choice right around the corner! We can do this! We are taking 2012 by storm.
What motivates you?? I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on all things Motivation! Let me know in the comments.
Olivia xo
71 replies on “Motivation to Move a Mountain!”
I have a long road ahead. I need to lose nearly 140 pounds but I’ve broken it up into smaller portions. Right now my motivation is shallow and I’m ok with that. I know that it’ important to get healthy for my children, for my health, for my husband….. but for some reason I would still reach for the next slice of pizza or walk to the nearest cake as you said. haha! But now that I know I MUST DO THIS it’s nice to know I’ll get little “prizes” along the way. My first prize? When I lose 50 pounds I get an iPad2 compliments of my hubby! And I have an uncle that randomly offered to give me $1,000 if I can lose 60 pounds in 6 months and leave it off for 6 more months. So by this time next year I’m going to be $1,000 richer (and a better wife and mother and an iPad owner!) So that’s my motivation for now and it’s working so I’m sticking with it π Thanks for the advice! I’m ready to move a mountain and I’ve got the faith to go with it!
Are you KIDDING me…shallow gifts can be the BEST motivation! You know why? It’s because they are about YOU!! You have to lose this weight for yourself FIRST. This is the one thing in life you should be totally selfish about! I can’t wait to get the message one day that you did it & hear about all the fab stuff you bought with your 1K!! Go get it girl!! xo
that is so funny!!! my husband told me he’d let me take 1.000 dollars out of the bank account to buy a new wardrobe once i hit 50 lbs….so almost there! and my best friend at self magazine said she’d put me in it….so THAT is what i’m really looking forward to!
For starters, you and hannah motivate me! when i am in the middle if a workout and want to give up, i oicture the two of you on my shoulder pushing me through! Same goes for the kids chips… “olivia doesnt look that good bc she ate chips!”. I get up every morning and make the choice to keep my journey going and i try not to overthink! Going to the gym is a “job” for me now! Its only a 90 min job, but if i dont show up, i am in trouble!!
Lastly, after losing 35 lbs, i have a taste of what fun it is to shop now…for regular and workout clothes!
Its fun and its only going to get more fun after my last 20 lbs are behind me!
I Love being able to shop in stores now and being out of plus size clothes!! It really hit me how big I was when I couldn’t even shop in stores anymore except plus size ones and most of the time I’d just order online. I still have a long way to go but being able to shop in stores now makes it more motivating to keep losing π GL on the rest of your weight loss journey.
Emily, I am totally with you on this one! I can actually shop in “normal sized” clothing stores instead of having to settle for “plus sized” clothes that I found not really attractive. I was ecstatic that I was able to fit into a size 14 dress and wore it for my “big reveal” at Christmas Eve with my family. It was quite awesome and I got a lot of questions as to “what I was doing” to lose the weight. π It was like I was a Biggest Loser finalist coming back home after being on the ranch and everyone was all excited and shocked. π I can’t wait until I finally reach my goal. DEFINITELY gonna have a celebration! π
Hi Emily, I totally can relate to you. I HATE going shopping right now.. & walking by those mirrors are horrible! Unfortunately, I’m just getting started right now, so the Motivation starts out really good but then it fades some.. Olivia told me about this blob so I’m hoping talking to alot of people who are going through the same thing may be just what I need. So, glad your doing good & much success to you.. π
Well, I’m honored to take part in your journey! You are right, I didn’t lose all this weight eating chips…although, I had a cozy relationship with chips for years. You can do this…and. While you are losing weight the gym is your job for those 90 mins. So glad to hear you are on track. Keep going! xo
Hey Ladies. This blog is applicable in ALL areas of life, not just fitness. I can’t tell you the number of times I have to motivate myself at work in a sales position hinging on my will power to pick up the phone and call someone that might not want to talk to me.
Furthermore, I couldn’t agree more about our notion that it isn’t about “Motivation” that drives someone to NOT exercise or NOT follow through but what lies beneath the surface. In my case, it’s a fear of failure. While, I don’t struggle with my weight like many do, I have severe back issues that would be alleviated by doing core strength training. I’ve tried this numerous times, but never followed through. Not following through makes me feel more of a failure than actually not strengthening my core. Now, I just don’t want to do it again fearing that I won’t follow through again, and thus making myself feel more of a failure.
Anyway, great blog Olivia. Simply fantastic.
Much Love from the Hicks6
Your honesty is truly awesome. The fear of failure was my BIGGEST obstacle at the ranch. I am very type A and I only accept perfection from myself. When I didn’t think I could do something and be successful, I just didn’t try. Hence, ending up at 261 lbs. I never thought I could lose weight so I really never tried. The thing that turned me around was this….Bob looked me in the eye and said what could happen that is sooooo bad that you won’t even try. Is it that you will fail? Who cares really. When he told me that something in my clicked. He’s right…will the world stop…will you die…will your world come crashing down. The answer is simply no. Yes, you will be disappointed and discouraged, but that’s ok. The great thing is it just opens up a new opportunity to overcome. That is what it is all about overcoming what scares us. I know you can strengthen that core…the body does what WE tell it to do…not the other way around. Keep persevering & I know you will move your mountain! xo
This is a great blog Olivia. To add to it, though, I think habit is my motivation. I get up at 4:45 every morning to go to the gym. I set my alarm for the same time every morning, get to bed at the same time every weeknight, so that my body won’t be fighting against me when I’m getting up to go. Further, I lay out all of my clothes and everything I need, so that I have no excuse to stay home. Having these habits set in place makes it so easy to get up and go. Once you’re there, you will almost always work out.
Beyond the gym though, I’m quickly learning that what I eat is MORE important than what I do at the gym. I lost 40 lbs mostly by exercising more and making a few smarter eating choices, but I recently snapped a 6 month plateau by counting my calories. I never realized how big my portions were! I aim to hit the number of calories every day needed for my body to function for the day and then lose weight based on how many calories I burn additionally by exercising. I only do this method because I don’t have all that much more weight to lose, so losing slowly is the way to go for me.
However, I also have motivation sitting in my closet like you.. but mine is a wedding dress! π
Thanks for the blog Olivia.
Oh!! I love that your motivation is your wedding dress…CONGRATS!! That just warmed my heart. Yes, habits are so important…the good ones of course. I do the same…set my alarm & my workout gear! It will keep it simple, so there is no excuses. I’m glad you have found that counting cals is helpful. It really keeps me on track & I know it will help you finish your goal! xo
My wedding is my motivation too! I have a pretty demanding job and I come home the evening and I feel so drained and I think “it would be really easy to just sit on this couch and eat.” But I will myself to get on the elliptical, so I’ll look great walking down the aisle in September,
The other thing I tell myself is: “Maria, you are ALREADY beautiful. Stay that way.” That motivates me (I actually have it taped to my mirror). It reminds me that while I don’t have a ton of weight to lose (I’m at where I should be for my height) I don’t want to undo what I have already worked for. Thinking about maintenance rather than losing is what keeps me going the most!
I’m getting MARRIED this year! In June, and we’re going to Hawaii for our honeymoon. I want to look AMAZING, I want to FEEL amazing, I don’t want to be running to hide under a towel, I want to be free to run in a bikini and to feel sexy and have energy. I’m almost there, but not quite!
Just wanted to say that you have been a great motivation for me and I just joined “fitnessfighten” here in Sweden where you are supposed to exercise 1h every day and eat right for one month. And my biggest motivation is that I’m going to the US this summer for a road trip and I’m going to fit in my summer clothes by then and look great! Thats what keeps me eating things I really don’t like because they are good for me π
Thank you for the inspiration and motivation!
//Marie from Sweden
I just want to say that in the past 24 hours you’ve directly and indirectly motivated me right out of a “comfortable” hole my lazy butt has been stuck in.
Yesterday I reached out to you, Hannah, Bob, and Dolvett for a Retweet or mention on Twitter to motivate me to start this 2012 fitness journey. You RTed me and when I showed my appreciation for that you said “You Go Girl!!” I’m sure you remember. In my head, knowing that one of the strongest weight loss champions out there noticed me and encouraged me gave me the strength to quit the after 5pm lazy sessions I had grown so comfy in – coming home from work, eating dinner, and parking my butt on the couch for the rest of the night.
Today I read this blog and it’s the second confirmation to get up and move move move. I am not backing out on my tweet, I am prepared to hit the gym at 5pm today, to break the cycle of lazy evenings, and to make this a new-found routine that will reward more than 3 hours of television and snacks ever would.
I thank you so much for taking the time out to notice me, and to write this blog for all of us out there that need the push we’ve been craving for so long, but can’t seem to find within. I’m ready to do this and I’d like to think that you’ve lit the fire to get it started.
So appreciative, and thanks for inspiring,
I’m honored to be a help. Truly. Whenever you need a boost…I’ll bring the matches! xo
Hi Olivia,
I am definitely going to try that trick in the morning with the questions. That is one thing I have yet been able to conquer…getting an early workout in before work. I would love to be able to get my workouts done in the a.m. so I can enjoy my evenings doing whatever.
Anyhow, what motivates me besides you two lovelies, is the improved self-confidence I have now that I lost almost all the weight I want to lose, and the way I feel when I’m in my capri pants at the gym or in my skinny jeans. I have always struggled in that area even though I have been thin for all but 3-4 years of my life, so it’s the first time in my life that I truly feel amazing, or at least I appreciate that feeling more if that makes sense. Working out and eating healthier really does make you feel better about yourself and just overall makes you a happier person, so when I’m struggling with my workouts or my diet, I think of how much happier I am now that I’m living a healthier lifestyle.
Thanks for all you do!
So good!! xo
My main motivation is to have a baby. I have fertility issues so I am trying to get my weight under control so I can be healthy and grow a healthy baby π Thats my overall motivation but I have little motivators in there also get me to my small goals. My motivation right now is this darn pair of jeans!! They fit and look so cute but for some reason in my mind if I could lose even 5lbs preferably 10 I would be smoking in these jeans hahah It sounds silly Ik. My overall goal is to lose 138-140lbs and be at a healthy BMI. I have currently lost 64lbs, 62 of those lbs were lost last year. My 2012 goal is to be at my goal weight by my birthday in October. 2lbs a week and I’ll be there. I have had small weight goals through this instead of looking at 138lbs. My goal right now is to get into onederland!! I am 23lbs away which to me seems like a lot but really its not. I am trying to work my tail off at keeping track of calories on myfitnesspal and working out. I have been trying to get people to join me with working out to keep me accountable but so far I’ve got no one to stick to it. Last year in losing my 62lbs I would be doing really good and then fall off for a month and the cycle continued. This year I am trying to keep going strong so I can acheive my goal. I am so proud of how far I’ve come and being able to shop in the stores and being more fit is great. π
Keep it going…proud of you!
What’s motivating me is just my desire to live a long and healthy life. Pretty simple eh? π
Hi Olivia! My main obstacles are work and taking care of my husband and two kids. How does anyone find the time to get to the gym? I love reading your blog and tweets. Great job on BL! Also, do you have any links to your opera singing? Would love to hear!
Time management is the toughest part of this journey! Maybe have a conversation with your hubby & ask for some help. Maybe 3x a week he can either watch the kids at night or in the morning so you can get in workouts. Remember, you will only be a better Mom and wife if you take some “me” time! xo
This might sound totally vain, but I eventually want to have children with my husband, and I want to look good as a pregnant lady (e.g. maternity pictures). I want you to be able to tell I’m with child, not just look like I have eaten a huge borritto. I mean borritto babies taste good at first, but they don’t look as cute as human baby bumps. I’m just saying. π
Also- I am someone who has great intentions, but I let emotions get in the way of making good decisions. And honestly- I didn’t realize that until JUST NOW reading your blog.
Thank you, thank you for your blog, and for helping me realize the above. You ladies rock!
I’ve recently been looking to go to New Zealand on a holiday and one of the things I woulf want to be able to do is sky diving. Well there is a weight limit and I am about 20lbs too heavy. I’m also wanting to go to Australia and one of the things I’ve always wanted to do is do that huge climb up the Sydney Harbour Bridge. That bridge is huge and I don’t want to be the one out of breath and not being able to enjoy the view of the harbour. Those are 2 of my goals that motivate me!
Hey there Olivia this is Markus I ran the 5k in Jacksonville with u and Hannah over the weekend. My motivation is the fact that I am a 2 time cancer survivor and I have lost about 40 pounds and I want to keep my body fit and healthy because I’m afraid of the cancer coming back again one day and the more healthy and fit I am the less of chance I have of it coming back. So whenever I want to be lazy or I wake up and I just want to roll over in bed and go back to sleep I think to myself get up and workout because u don’t want to go through everything u have already been through all over again.
That’s awesome Markus! So great to run with you this weekend!
I really like this post! I’m on a modified week for my runs/workouts because of a piriformis muscle injury. I found this to be really UNmotivating. I needed your post here at the end of my workday to motivate me to do my 3 mile run in the pool today :~) 51 laps!
About the jeans, I have a pair hanging on my closet door that are 3 sizes too small (used to wear them) My trainer had me slide them up as far as they would go (ended up mid thigh) I wrote the date and how far they went on a piece of paper and safety pinned it to the mid thigh of the pants, I will continue to move that paper up inch by inch until I get those jeans down and wear them!!!!
I love that idea!!!
As you said, motivation is a tricky thing. I’ve learned over the course of my weight loss journey (115+ pounds)that it’s important not to rely on one thing to keep you going each day. My crazy “I won’t leave you alone unless we run 5 miles” dog is a source of motivation. Other times, it’s a training plan for a road race and my unwillingness to disappoint myself or waste money. There are times when I rely on my 6-month-old son to keep me going because I want him to be proud of his mamma. And sometimes, it’s pure selfishness because that time working out means I’m only responsible for myself (and dad is holding the baby)!
I’ve been thinking about motivation, and more so commitment, over the last couple days quite a bit, so this is a timely post! I started exercising regularly on December 1 (and benefited from the added motivation of your December challenge!), and I’m still going. But now that I’ve reached 41 days of consistent exercise (six days a week, for 65 minutes or more), I realize I have to confront how this becomes my lifestyle, instead of a thing I do for a couple months. Last night I found it so, so, so hard to get on my treadmill and eventually was able to remember that I’ve made a lot of progress (8.5lbs lost) in the last month and a bit, and that it would suck to just wimp out now, and that sense of commitment and progress was helpful. But examining my motives, and my commitment, is definitely a thing right now.
Yes, there will always be rough patches…but look what you did!! You didn’t want to get up & do it yet you did it anyway. Sometimes it’s as simple as that. Also, maybe it’s time to switch up the workouts & raise the bar? Keep going!
Hi guys,
Motivation is something that I struggle with on a daily basis. One thing that I worry about when it comes to motivation is me sabotaging myself. Many times I have been doing really well and then something changes. I somehow convince myself that I don’t deserve it and that I should just give up and go back to sitting on the couch and eating cookies. I try to fight through it, but many times I fall prey to the feelings of inadequacy. I have started to try and not listen to those feelings and tell myself that I do deserve everything I’m working towards and I will push through knowing that if I can get past it, that things will all be worth it in the end and I will feel much more accomplished and even happier.
With that being said, I am a college student. As a college student, I am very busy with homework and classes and being a music major I have to practice nearly every day. This March I am having my senior recital. This recital is the source of my motivation right now. My recital is the culmination of all of my hard word and dedication to my instrument, but also to myself and my health. I have been on my weight loss journey for about a year and a half and have lost about 70lbs and it would be a great way to cap off my education by being able to step on stage and blow people away with my talent and musical abilities, but also with me being in the best shape that I’ve been in years(and that says something since I’m only 21)!
I am currently trying to fit in a dress that is 3 sizes too small for my recital. I look forward to the journey getting there and quieting all the feelings of inadequacy and living my life full of happiness and fulfillment. π
This is AWESOME!! I want a picture of you at your recital WHEN you achieve your goal! Don’t let anything stop you! xo
Olivia and Hanna,
I have rooted for you both since day one! I am so thankful for this blog you have put together as it is a form of encoragement and motivation.
I have had body image issues my entire life even though I have been slim, typically around the 115-120lb mark in highschool. Four years ago I got married weighing 128lbs. Since I’ve gotten married I have gained a substantial amount of weight, 45lbs to be exact. I guess since I didn’t have the freshman 15 I got the pleasure of having the married 45.. just kidding.
Anyway, I have been looking for an inexpensive spinning class to attend in my area and unfortunetly have not been able to find any. That is, until yesterday. My husband received a call from a friend that has his own PT business and he just opened another location on our side of town and his new location offers dance and exercise classes. He has decided that he is going to offer FREE spinning and core classes to those that attend our church at 530am on Wednesday mornings. I am UBER excited to have something offered at no cost. 530am may be a stretch for me, but I am going to stay positive and make this a lifestyle change.
Thank you again for your blog and I hope that one day I can let ya’ll know that I lost that extra weight, and hopefully meet ya’ll!
That is great!!!! I know 5:30am is early, but then it’s done!! You will love it & feel great!!
Hey Olivia, my motivation is that I have beat breast cancer I can beat anything! I have a wonderful husband and son and want them to have a healthy wife and mom. I started walking with a friend last week and that has been a great motivation! We help keep each other on track, I have to say that the buddy system is awesome! Just want to thank you and Hannah for just being who you are and for sharing your experiences to help others! You guys ROCK!
What an inspiration YOU are!! The buddy system really does help…look what I did with the best buddy around!! π
I couldn’t agree with this post more! There really is no such thing as motivation when it comes down to it…you either do the work or you don’t. Nike was sooo not j/k when they said JUST DO IT! π
Make the choice. Choose what you deserve!! I wrote on my bathroom mirror– YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY! Praying I will recognize that and that I’ll have the strength to CHOOSE to do the work because I’m worth it! Ready to say Peace OUT to 100 lbs!
Thanks for your thoughts and encouragement, Olivia!
See…you get it!!!! It is worth it & it boils down to a choice…are you gonna do it or not? JUST DO IT!!! π
Olivia & Hannah,
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME! π Tomorrow, I will be celebrating one entire year of “consistently” working out! I have never been able to say that! What motivated me? Well, now that I’m in my, uh hum, early forties, I just wanted to feel “fabulous”. I also wanted to lose 30 lbs. and have more energy. I knew that I couldn’t do that sitting around the house every day. So, on Jan. 11, 2011, I went to my first boot camp class at a local college… at 5:15 a.m. Mind you, I am NOT a morning person! I hated life after that first class, but I vowed to return. Every time I would run a lap around the track, I would say to myself, “If Olivia & Hannah could do it, so could I”. Little by little, I started to feel better and the pounds started to melt off.
Side note… another challenge is in order. Although I didn’t win your first one, I’ll try again. π
Thanks for continuing to inspire me!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Thank you! π
This is a great blog entry, especially with the New Year in full swing. I love your talk out loud idea and am going to try that instead of hitting the snooze 600 times. Motivation and emotion are things that make us human but should not define our actions. I was motivated to lose the weight for s long time but until I decided to be proactive and change, it didn’t happen! I am 8 pounds away from my goal weight and instead of just being done once I hit it I decided to push myself to take on something new and challenging…(however when I do hit that goal weight the SoulCycle hoodie will finally be mine as a reward for busting my booty and motivation to never settle for less than my best)….life isn’t about reaching goals and them sitting back and letting go of all that you worked for….stepping up to new challenges keeps life exciting and interesting….that is the fun in life, and the desire to be the fabulous leading lady in my life are my driving motivation…when I reach goal my next challenge is already in full swing. I signed up for the NYC triathlon and will finish strong, healthy, and happy and ready for life’s next little adventure! Thanks you two for being a true inspiration and motivation…dig deep and find out what your worth!
SoulCycle gear is ALWAYS a good motivator for me!! π
It’s not a coincidence you wrote this post today! Lately, lack of motivation has plagued two areas of my life: going to the gym (who CAN get motivated to get up at 6 a.m.? Haha…) and finding time to practice my instrument. There’s so much weight left to lose, so much music to learn, and the world tells me, “Abby! This has to be done NOW!” My life demands that I immediately be the best musician possible, and the healthiest “me” possible, but how can little old me do all of this at such a fast pace?
Olivia – when you wrote about motivation being linked to emotion, that really hit home for me! “Defeated, anxious, scared…” those three words ring strongly in many areas of my life right now. Your post has made me aware of these underlying issues that need to be dealt with. Now, instead of dragging myself to the gym or slugging through some orchestral excerpts while still feeling whatever negative emotion, I can address whatever it is that’s preventing me from realizing my full potential! I think we all have blocked ourselves like this at times.
Thank you for blessing me with this post. You and Hannah are truly the reason why I started my weight loss journey. Your blogs and tweets remind me everyday to be proud of how far I’ve come (-40lbs!) and to keep pushing forward!
I’m so glad it helped. It’s really true we get so trapped in our emotions sometimes. The encouraging part is usually emotions are NOT based in truth. I don’t know about you, but I only want to live in the truth. When I find myself falling victim to my emotions I try to stop & speak the truth…it will always set you free! I know how hard Music school is & learning heaps of music is the PITS, but so worth it when the performance rolls around. Your gifts & labor will bless all who come to hear! π
For me, it’s all about achievement. I am motivated to achieve, because in attempting to achieve, I grow, whether I fail or succeed! My biggest struggle is pushing through that fear of failure, but every time I do, I am rewarded, BIG TIME, win or lose. Thanks for this post, I know lots of us struggle with this. A timely message of encouragement π
Heyyy!! So, like most everyone, I do struggle with motivation. But with the struggles of the last few years, I’ve really noticed a few things that really get my fire burning….
1.) My mom is extremely overweight. It’s a daily concern that I’m going to lose her at any minute. My heart aches and I constantly worry that she’ll never see me get married or have children… or that I’ll lose her before I’m able to go on in life without her. So this motivates me to be fit so I can be a good role model for her and also if it ever comes down to it, I can take care of her.
2.) I’m in nursing school, so I have to be a good role model for my patients. Not to mention, 12-13 hour shifts, doing several miles worth of walking/running every shift, it helps to be in some shape!
3.) This is the hardest motivator for me to write down – simply because it’s so fresh in my mind. I’ve been through something twice in my life that no woman (or man) should ever have to go through. It’s something that haunts me on a daily basis, something that has completely scarred me. These experiences motivate me to be a fighter. To NEVER give up. No matter how hard life gets, no matter who is hurting me, no matter what the situation, NEVER give up! Fight for everything that I deserve. Fight to prove so many people wrong. Fight for my life.
THANK YOU both so much for being so inspirational and so motivating to me and so many others! THANK YOU for your perkiness on Facebook and Twitter and posting positive messages… Because those days that it’s so hard to get out of bed, knowing that others are in it with me and that I’m not alone makes a world of difference. You two are amazing people and I truly believe God chose you girls to be in the position your in now so that you could help so many others!
I just did one of my biggest pet peeves… That should be “…YOU’RE in now…” Oops! π
We are in it with you & don’t ever forget it!! π
My motivation is the half-marathon my BFF challenged me to. A marathon is my ultimate goal, but this run in October will be a great start. Every morning I get up and look at the white board where my current weight and the number of days to the half-marathon and tell myself that everything is a choice.
That choice has a deeper meaning too. In June my mom passed away at 61 from complications of obesity, namely multiple strokes and heart attacks. I had to make the decision to move her into hospice, and I can’t bear the thought of leaving my loved ones with that choice someday when I could have done everything in my power to prevent that. I’m making this commitment for me, and for my mom.
This was such a great post to read. I love this blog because it radiates honesty and positivity. I have loved the attitude you put towards everything since I watched you on biggest loser. My motivation is absolutely my wedding. I have a great friend who once told me that the size you are at your wedding can reflect on the direction you are headed towards for the rest of your life. I believe this to be true because up until now I didn’t feel like there was any reason for me to HAVE to wear a certain size or be a certain size. 6 months until my wedding and I’m hoping that even if I don’t meet my goal weight that I’m a much happier and healthier version of myself by July. I hope if you and Hannah are ever near Wisconsin I have the opportunity to meet you! I have so much love for you both!
Motivation is seeing the mirror everyday and enjoying the results of my hard work.
But to achieve results I find it best to set up small achievable goals and rewarding myself with a new smaller size pair of pants or shirt.
I used to reward myself with a nice meal or chocolate, until I read somewhere “you are not a dog, don’t reward yourself with food” that really hit home for me.
Thank you for this blog, keep up the great work, our world needs champions to turn us back to health and a fit lifestyle.
Thank you so much. You hit my nail right on my head. Your so right. It’s all about choices. I have been struggling so much this year. Honest time here. I was working out, looking the way I wanted to, down to 135 lbs and fit. I got burnt out, and I have been struggling to get motivated again. Problem is I have fooled around so much, I have to start all over again. I have gained 15 lbs and more inches. I hate how I look! I hate how I feel. So when it boils down to it, I can sit here and try to figure out how to get motivated again, or just start moving and do something about it! I am so glad I found your blog. Thank you so much for using the words so close to your heart, to spark the flame in me once more!
Thank you!!! My motivation? To be the lean moving force I once was, and keep it there!!
I’m so glad it helped you. How great is it that it’s just a simple choice…it takes very little time & energy. Just decide to get up & do it. Simple. π
My motivation is coming in 8 weeks the Im turning the big 3 OH! I felt like I spent most of my twenties being sad about being overweight. Last april I was watching one of your episodes of biggest loser crying my eyes out eating a monster burrito and decided I needed to change my life. Ive lost about 50 pounds and have about 35 to go before I reach goal. I related so much to you and hannah and Im always reminded of the episode where you guys had that temptation and you said something like, “would you rather have this food or a hot husband?” I was like I way rather have a hot man than this burrito… My pastor always would tell single people to become the type of person you would like to marry thats my motivation to become a happier person accepting myself and pushing myself to be better with every mile logged in. Plus, lets get real, I want a man with a hot bod so I needed to step up to the plate.
oh and Im running a half marathon on my 30th bday!
This year Is my 10 year High School reunion.( Motivation)
I have wanted to loose weight for some time now but I haven’t had one specific goal to focus on. 2012 is going to be my year. I feel like I’m finally focused. I dont’ know why it took me so long to get to this point .Going to the Gym has never been an obsticle for me, I have always struggled with Nutrition. I have signed myself up for Weight Watchers so that I can have someone else keep me accountable for my nutrition. Every Thursday I weigh in with a group of folks and we all are working towards the same goal ” To Get Healthy and Loose weight.” I have decided to set small goals for myself. I’m currently at 210 and would like to get to 140. My first goal is to get to (one)derLand π Than every 5 after that.
This Post is perfect for the beginning of the year. I have taken pictures for my week 1 and am going to put them up as the extra motivation to get to the gym and make healthy food choices!!!!
2012 The Year of No EXCUSES!!!!
Im a Thursday Weight Watcher’s girl too! I’ve had a lot of success on the new program (I started in april, have lost 50 lbs.) I need the extra accountability and I love the people at my meetings. Good lucks!!
Thank you for this blog post! I have been thinking a lot about choices, and something you said one time (about being able to lose or maintain your weight) is learning how to make “small MANAGEABLE” goals. I have worked so hard to just say “I will drink X amount of water today” or “I will cook at HOME tonight (vs. going out)” or “I will walk on the treadmill 30 minutes TONIGHT”.
I have spent TOO many years saying “THIS YEAR I WILL LOSE 50 POUNDS!!!!” and come December 31st? Not even close. THIS year I will take my weight ONE DAY at a time. I stay motivated knowing that I can start over every day–that I can start over at every meal or snack time. I have waited for too many Monday’s to roll around to start over. I get motivated knowing that starting over can happen right now, this minute and every minute after. And before you know it, a million minutes of good choices will leave you feeling healthier, happier, and probably even a little leaner π
Love you girls!
Thank you so much for letting me know about this Blog Olivia.. It’s GREAT! With all of these posts & hearing about everyone’s struggle with “Motivation”, I truly believe it’s gonna be a great tool to help me stay on track & do what I know needs to be done.. ONCE AND FOR ALL! I can so relate to Annie, I’ve begun taking my weight loss issues ONE DAY at a time.. There’s been so many times I set such high goals that I was just setting myself up to fail. It’s gotten to where I know that not only do I want to lose weight & be a better person but I know I HAVE TO LOSE WEIGHT so I can stay healthy & live the best life I can.. I’m not old but I’m not getting any younger (I’m 42) & want to be a good example to my own kids & be able to enjoy granchildren one of these days.. Most of all, I’ve learned that I need to do this for ME! My husband, myself & some good friends want to take a motorcyle trip this spring or summer.. So, to your question, thats 1 of my motivations for now…. ( also I have a really cute dress that I have hanging in my closet that I havent worn in YEARS,thats also a good motivator) π Again, thank you so much Olivia & Hanna for being such a great Inspiration!!
Love, Love, Love this post! I have shared it on my facebook! I love the accountablity of your choices. I get so many people asking about nutrition and fitness (I am kind of a fitness junkie) and the next thing, I turn around and they are eating cookies/chips/oil-fried burgers…you name it. I hate hearing “I can have whatever if I count the calories/points…or “it’s just soooo gooooood” it’s all about the CHOICES you make. Don’t buy the chips, don’t eat at those restaurants…as soon as you do, the choice is made. I don’t even care if you are buying candy to support someone’s school. Just give them the cash.
I fight that demon every morning when the alarm goes off. Worst part, most of the time, if I have decided not to get up, I can’t fall back to sleep anyway & end up feeling like I gave up my workout for nothing! !
My problem is I like my rewards to be food:(
What motivates me is being convinced that I should be doing something: that it will take me where I want to be.
My motivation is this β I have lost 115 pounds and have the dreaded sagging stomach, which no amount of exercise is going to get rid of β so a tummy tuck surgery is in my future. Sadly, my insurance isnβt going to cover it and the cost isnβt cheap. The gym that I go to, does a annual 90 Day Challenge and the male & female winner each get $5000, plus other wonderful items, but I am focused on the $5000 π
To match what the female winner of last year lost, I will have to lose about 60 pounds. I have done the math and it is totally doable β in a healthy way! Now, here is the possible stumbling block, it is Tax Season and I work 10 hours a day and have tons of stress, so finding the energy to hit the gym and avoid the snacks is going to be difficult. But, if I can win the $5000 I would be just that much closer to surgery that I need and so desperately want.
@Robin have you played The Biggest Loser Game on nbc.com?
After playing it, I never eat candies. Every time the player gets hit by a candycane or pizza or something bad, it costs dearly! Then in real life, I see a chocolate bar and I STAY AWAY!
Might or might not work for you, but it sure worked for me.
Well actually watching this week’s episode of the Biggest Loser and re-reading the Biggest Loser book gave me my greatest motivation I think I could ever have. My father passed away when I was 5 years old of colon cancer. I NEVER knew it was an obesity cancer. None of my doctors told me about it, neither did anyone in my family. So now that I know that and because I’m so suseptible to having the cancer myself, I’m rethinking a few things. I have a lot of weight to lose, which when you look at the total number is daunting and feels like its never going to happen. But I’m going to keep thinking about colon cancer and my father and that will motivate me to get healthy.
YOU are such an inspiration, Olivia! I just watched “The Biggest Loser” season 11 on Netflix (never watched the show before now and wanted to see Jillian’s last season), and WOW! What you all went through in life and on the show is unbelievable, especially your strength and courage to be not just a FINISHER but a CHAMPION! It’s that kind of thinking and your success that makes me feel like I can do anything if I just put my mind to it.
Thank you so much for writing this! I know I’m a little slow on the up-take. I just started following you and Hannah on Twitter and so am just discovering your website.
I have lost 22lbs since January 1st, but this week I hit a wall emotionally and feel low. I am trying to really look at myself and find out why I am sabotaging my goals and all my efforts.
I watch BL and saw you and Hannah. Back then I would sit and eat watching the show and wish I had the strength to change my life. In January I just got up and said enough is enough and joined my local 24hr Fitness.
Reading this really helped me today. I would love to be able to buy a bathing suit this year, that isn’t my old maternity one (ahem* did I say that out loud?) and I would love to look hot. Not cute, not just better than before, but HOT.
Thank you π